Any cheaper way

hi i am looking for away portals jump cheaper. but it costing me for 8/h 1344 for 3 portals i have
i have some of higher oort it not much use atm

a good tool to check distance is —>>> Boundlexx - The Boundless Lexicon


you can always connect to a hub on the main world for a 1v2 and just go through extra portals to save on oort


@andsim I don’t know reason for such a far distance… could be your shop or favorite location… If I may suggest to piggyback off a hub with closer distance to help you get to Boori… example… Since now Dragon Hub is the main go to hub (at this moment) maybe setup a portal to the hub that connects Pheminorum to Dragon Hub… Then see what hub from Boori connects to Dragon hub and run a portal from there to your destination… Hope this opinion can help keep costs down :slight_smile:


yea but i like to connect from my mall quicker route
looking at that link do9esnt provide between worlds only one world to next

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you can always check the world list on boundlexx and it will show which planet is closer to yours

Understandable but if I remember correctly you haven’t been playing much due to playing other games etc… so this could be a temp solution until you can dedicate more time to play boundless. I’ve been in your position before and it got to the point where I had to compromise on quick routes to cut down costs until I could stable myself.


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a little more


ty graph it will help me figure out

This kind of makes me want to bring back Tiggs Tunnels…


I loved Tiggs Tunnels


why not just connect your MALL to Dragon planetary hub ? or just connect to Dragon World Hub - portal at MALL section?

and for all looking for routes - old PS chart showing shortest connection between worlds

ULTIMA chart

are you trying to direct connect planet from USE to planet from AUS region?

its way too expensive, thats why the portal networks were established :smiley:

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I got this one late 2019.

thanks, i was looking for this version :smiley:

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agreed - I remember one city on Storis in the early that had a direct connection to Arie - I shudder to think how much that portal cost to maintain for as long as they did.