Anyone else think the crafting GUI could be a lot more useful and streamlined for crafters?

Especially in the Workbench and Extractor with the ridiculous number of craftable items with the different types of tools/weapons/tech, essences, and forge stuff.

Some “QOL” update ideas for the crafting GUI. I don’t have much in the way of graphic-design skills, so I won’t be able to really give a good visual examples of these.

  1. Why do we need to see our character frantically look around him while the crafting menu is open? Currently, the crafting menu looks like this.
Current Crafting Menu

It takes up roughly 2/5 of the screen. Why not let it open up fully and take up all of the screen, covering your character? We could see so much more of the crafting list this way, and navigate even quicker to what we want to craft without a ton of scrolling. We already see our character when we open up any other menu, so I think this would be an incredibly helpful change.

Even If for some reason the devs want us to continue to see our character while crafting, then could the icons for crafting be made smaller so we could see more at a time? Currently we can only see up to 9 recipes without scrolling. Even a second column would be just grand.

  1. I’d love to see a search function that allows you to type immediately when opening a machine’s GUI, so we could simply type key words for what we want to craft. I think this could be a nice addition to the categories we already have, and honestly would speed things up a bit.

There is a post somewhere with a mock-up from the devs of a search UI, but I can’t seem to find it. Anyways they will get to it eventually :slight_smile:

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I keep thinking "what thing did that again?’. For a lot of things it’s pretty obvious what to use, but some aren’t.

Also the Furnace could use a Recipe list. And while we’re at it, make the Knowledge searchable so it’s easier to find things! And would be even better if a button there immediately goes to the right machine and opens the crafting menu there!

Or make all machines, furnaces, craft tables, etc. use 1 and the same craft menu (as if it was 1 factory device instead of multiples) with a searchable knowledge base…


I would love a new GUI for furnace, so we can see recipes there just like we do in machines.


I would just love to be able to use A and D for switching filtered views in machines, clicking on those tiny arrows is slow and makes me never use filters. If I could just slam keys a couple of times it would be super useful.


Hit up the boundless crafting website in the meantime :slight_smile:

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Huh, finally something that’s better on PS4 then, I can change filter by pressing R2/L2 and I use it all the time since some of these lists are way too darn long!


I’m designing an update to recipe lists where you can view the recipes as a standard list (what we have now) and two variations on a grid view which will be more like the Inventory style UI - 8 column wide grid of items. As such it will fit 8x the amount of recipes on one screen.

Search will hopefully come soon.


This is a good point - it was always intended that on PC you would be able to easily switch filters using keys, I think it just got missed. I’ll see if we can add something.


Would be nice if we can “favorite” some recipe we used often, then a favorite menu for listing of all the stuff we want to see rather than there entire list.


The crafting UI would definitely benefit from some TLC. The thing I would love the most is to be able to select bulk or mass and and press craft all available. Would save me up to 29 clicks a machine. Probably thousands of clicks a day.

Think of the poor fingers!

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Also would love to know before I invest skillpoints what recipes that might unlock. Being able to see those, for the next level only perhap, will keep new players from investing skill points into things they can’t craft anyways. Which has happened to me a few times.

Also why can tech/weapon/etc. level go higher than is currently useful? Future plans?

A basic version will be in the next Testing update.

Special materials from Special worlds make Special gear. Coming in the future.


i dont mind the furnace not having recipes for stuff we dont know, but once you have made something in the furnace it should show up a tab on the furnace so you can quick make it instead of having to find the items in inventory and put them in


While we’re at it, I would love to connect storage boxes to my machines so the machines can use those. You have no idea how often I need to swap out items to craft something else again, etc., etc.


saw someone else mention something like this… i think they should do this with something like a spark network, but for storage instead of spark, so you can connect storage from distance too


Factorio-style inserters. Automatically take the ingredients from the connected storage for the current recipe, until something runs out. Then, of course, transfers the completed product into the next machine (storage->rock->table->stones->refinery->refined rock->workbench->decorative rock->storage etc).

Then, add logic boxes so a recipe gets made only when a certain indicator falls below a threshold (no more iron hammers? Wait 20 minutes for the smelter, glue factory, cloth extractor, and workbench and you’ll have a stack of 9 waiting).

And then… automated miners filling belts running to your storage. Bots ferrying ingredients through portals. Oh geez, my head just exploded.


There is a way to setup filter key-binds on the PC. You need to go into your settings and change the key-binds to what you want.

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I would already be super happy if all the machines can share with my storage boxes. AND that I can already queue a recipe where the same machine is already making the missing materials so when it’s done it automatically does the next thing without the need to be physically there.
ie. the game shouldn’t check if the materials are there when you add it to the queue but when it’s starting the job from the queue.
Would make an oortian’s life much easier! Especially the pie makers! :smile:

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And allow us to Mass Craft stuff in the Furnace!

The game, currently, could not actually do this, cause while a Machine takes into account it’s own inventory, and your inventory it does NOT take in what’s in the outbox inventory below it’s own.

I’ve made that mistake before, waiting at the recipie screen for a componant to finish to craft something else, see it vanish from queue, but still not letting me craft, and remembering I have to physically ‘pick up’ the outbox item before the machine can see it.