Anyone knows where i can find the Items Icons form Boundless online?

anyone knows where i can find online the Pic of the Items there are in Boundless?

This might help you?

90% oft the page have in pic, only name

When I’m making stuff I find it hard to find reference photos… Your best bet is to look through screen shots.

Oorty was easy with all the screenshots people posted!
When I made a totem I used old screenshots I found on google and I actually looked at the totem in the storage block in game, and threw one on the floor so I could look at it from all angles :laughing:

Screen shot the items in game if you need digital copies of the images perhaps?

Hopefully this is somewhat relevant and helpful haha

there is no pic icons since the game is using 3d model of the item. You will ahve to screenshot them yourself to accomplish what you want.

there’s this: Boundless Model to OBJ app

needs some updates, but should still work for most simple models.

Icon knows all about icons.

This would be awesome to have as a resource we could make more fan created content.

@james can we get an updated press kit with all rendered item icons in it. and other fun stuff for promotional materials?

Final Fantasy XIV has a nice one with alot of icons in it from their game. ( Here is reference for what I am talking about.

That would be awesome of course but it would already help to have a visual overview of all game features somewhere :slight_smile:

You might have some luck looking on the wiki.

edit: found a better link that shows the actual images as pretty pictures