Aoe Spanner not working

they do get repaired if you keep repairing the machine blocks

orly. maybe thatā€™s not so bad then.

It still does the repairs.

EDIT: Sorry Gorillastomp replied while i was out digging for that quote.

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Yeah real issue is that there is no a clear indication of coil hp

Only way to know if you repaired everything is to see your xp gain or the repair log at the side

I repaired a ton just now. about 60 machines. The coils do repair but the machine itself repairs at a faster rate. So just keep repairing and itll eventually repair all the connected coils. I had none that left any coils unrepaired. Just have to keep cranking until the notifications on the right quit scrolling. Its annoying but working correctly i believe

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I noticed this too and kept repairing until I saw the XP gain stopped.

Iā€™m a huge fan of the spanner repairing everything at once.

I believe this thread is still relevant because having a AoE spanner would still be helpful for furnaces and crafting tables.

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pretty sure furnace do not wear ?

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They donā€™t now, but if they ever do then weā€™ll be covered.

I would have sworn on test the color changed from blue to gray (canā€™t remember which direction) when the repairs were complete.

Right now Iā€™m not seeing a color change on live but the quantity in the message evens out and the spanner doesnā€™t wear if itā€™s not repairing anything.

Can it just repair connected workbenches too? plzzzzz

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