(¯`·._.·(¯`·._.·Aquatopia's Sunken Town ·._.·´¯)·._.·´¯) SHOWCASE 5

ours are plastic :joy:

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I really love the ship, great work!! :smiley: :1st_place_medal:

good newz after starting project yesterday we allready starting with expanding it lolz

@Creegle finished the design on our ferris wheel
and @Hashmalash is pulling together all his awesome design powers
to design the park one badass water park
@andysav and me both dismantled our previous stadium and token library project and the rebuild on stadium allready took off
we make sure to keep it up to code with the upcoming competitions regulations
gonna be some epic bomb battle action
and best off all i havent even had the dune over to add some wackyness


if you ever wanted to have some fun and invent some cool things that should go into a park like this let me know and we give you a nice spot to construct it

especially looking for someone to create an awesome parkour like section

for creative people i need some oortchicken like decor for around the park
andy will recreate his iconic chicken statue on top off the gate to welcome the visitors and so create our parks own mascotte


some water park concept :slight_smile: without any decorations, just plain model.


Looks cool! I’m looking forward to the time they get some water physics in game so you can get pushed along by it! Now all we need it a rubber ring recipe!! :smiley:


yeah that would be very cool :slight_smile: especially proper water physics :slight_smile:


Love!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Yeah, if we get water with some push, I’m absolutely building a water park, with some long flume slides!



cleaning my house before i can start working on a great report :frowning_face:on all the stuff going on in sunkentown

all i can do now is drop our latest map revision as a teaser

looking for a cool place to live with lots off portals a big mall and zero stress come grab a nice spot def contact us we always free up land and lead you to epic terrain in the city and we are open for new input to add to the city
our help out with materials to build your idea
we are all veteran players and nothing make us happier to see people/artists build epic stuff without being blocked by grind for materials our time
we at your full service :+1:

Ow we also reevaluating our metro system so it be even easier to go around town fast in the future

if you want to explore the wild on this planet(nia zed ka) we provide a wild portal in the epicenter

detailed version off map


small December Update
(bigger Update post will come in future from Moebius again)

First, we have in December an 30k promotion when opening a Shop in Sunken City Mall


The new reworked Portalcenter around the East Center side is open now

and the future Subway/Metro System Overhaul takes slowly form
Ash Village

Buugi Plaza

Also there are still 3 selfowned land Shop Spots arround Fif Land in Ashvillage to available

have found a Pic before build start in mid March

After 9 months build time, Mid December

Next comes from me (Wischl)
-Finishing of Subway System Overhall
-Buugi Plaza get’s Green, a small Portalwall and Info-Board in the North side
-Finishing of Wip Infrastructure projects
-Finishing of Aquarius Alley (East Mall Road to Burningman District)

edit 12.Dec → added Map Update


I love this place!! I need to get back to work over on East Waters!

Seriously boys and girls get yourselves over to Sunken City!


@Trickyy90 i still got ya balloons

ow btw mind where you walk in our OG city aquatopian embassy beckon
mayor remoddeling going on

check this thread tomorrow for a new and improved map
ow and give sunken town a visit just go to nia zed ka via ultima network
ill keep ya updated
special thks to @Wschichl @Xaldafax @EdWe @andysav @Buugi @Dunedragon @almund @Fiffer13 @Trickyy90 @molav etc etc for making sunkentown awesome


its been a while and i noticed alot off new players on the forum so im reposting
our instructional video made by the awesome @boundmore
there soon be a shop competition with a very very epic price
the winner wil be based on the best footfall month so it doesnt hurt to join the mall now and get a headstart and make a decent customer base

we offer spots from one plot marketspot until megastore
and we still have a 30k starter packet
10k a month for running ya shop very nice offer for new starting players
marketspots are very nice since they placed in between the many portal connections

coords of oortchicken amusement park? i also need a bunch of ice, trampolines, and stones.

Just stones? Don’t hold back ask and we get it for ya


a lot off epic builds have been made
so i restart posting showcases
i kick this one off with my neigbor @Samski
and his epic lovegarden
the space up in the trees is supprisingly big
and in the underground part is a sweet factory style room to explore

if you like big trees this is the place to visit

this project can be found in ash village
see map to find it



Wow thanks, i really should finish inside the tree…

when i did photoshoot i was gonna enter the open portal but just when i wanted to go in
it did poof and it closed kinda weird our was i just intime to witness the closing off it hehe

You must have just missed it, leads to my home on Sochaltin I where the lightning is. I need to do some more hunts to keep that one open…

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weird its not first time this happens to me
probably close before i got there
and game just shuts it when player gets near

yeah i have had this many times…