What are you guys thinking about the knobs? Right now they kind of look like buttons.
Also, MC distinguishes between “wooden” doors (anyone can open) and “iron” doors (player-only open), maybe as an analog, we do “doors” and “doors with locks?”
After you re-create the doors, which are very beautiful, can you bring back a block that is similar to the doors now? The reason I ask is because Minecraft never had a narrow sideways block and I’ve really been enjoying it for making flowerpots and chair arms, and was even considering a full fence. It doesn’t have to have the opening mechanic, but just be a narrow sideways block like it is now.
You’re looking for something like the existing door without the attached door knob, correct? Hey, devs, that could double as a sort of saloon style door, too
Basically I meant just a narrow sideways piece, similar to the slab but on its side like the doors. If you visit my place in Ruchs you can see how I used them to make flower pots and the arms of chairs.
I’m curious if you guys are going to support 2-wide (or maybe 1.5-wide, eh eh?) doors for larger builds (e.g. a 4-wide double door)? Would be pretty handy
I just bought the game, it looks good, but sadly I can’t put it to its max, when I do so the frame rates is about 15fps and it is not my gpu that is not powerful enough, it’s an 980ti and I used MSI afterburn and I realised that the game only use 9% to 18% of the video card. also their’s no background music, would it be added later? So few people did see none while playing feels lonely ;(. but yeah, I know it’s in pre-alpha! I hope for it to get more popular!!!
I like the idea of keys, I was never a fan of the button thing for iron doors in MC, it got a bit annoying with doors opening and closing all the time.
A key/lock system would be super helpful/neat I say!