Art: Plinth and Container Props

And how do you prevent griefing, forexample if i had 10 plinths as an iron smith cause i wanted to people to sell me materials they wanted to get rid off, what is to prevent herpderp to go and put dirt in all of them basically blocking everything everybody else. also how can i remove it again, does he has to pick it up meaning that they can force all the buying plinths to be useless?

The “Buying Plinths” only buy the item the shop owner has placed on the plinth.

(It’s not shown in the images, but the plinths will have the item for sale or to buy sitting on top.)

So a customer can’t sell dirt if the shop isn’t buying dirt.


Does that mean you can’t buy something you don’t already own?

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Then it was as i originally thought, i just got confused by the phrasing of

i would write it as ‘‘the buying plinths allows for you (the shop) to ask for items which players (everybody else) can provide to the price you set for the plinth’’

Makes more sense then, im not particularly a big fan of the plinths to buying since i suspect the sharing of currency would get really really weird. unless ofc you dont put currency directly unto the plinths… would it be possible to link 10 plinths together and then have a shared currency for them? so if people buy something it goes to the amount and if people sell something to you it removes from that amount?

I think I would prefer to have the required currency amount added to each plinth… so for example, if you wanted to buy 40 dirt at a cost of 2 currency units each, you would specify that all on the plinth and add the total amount you would need to pay someone for that number of items (80 currency units in this case).

Sharing currency between buying and selling on multiple plinths runs the risk of running out, plus I think it would require a lot of extra logic and coding to link them all together.

it just leaves me with this problem

i suspect the big shops dont really care about amounts and might need different things of equal importance of the same time, so assume i want to get either 100 items of any split of wool and ore, however if it was two plinths i would need to split the money so the max i can get is 50 of either, what if a guy comes in with 70? then he cant sell all of them even if i theoretically wanted to buy ti

example 2: imagine you have 50 plinths, 25 for selling 25 for buying, how often would you not need to go around and depositing more money or removing money for sales? which is why i think a connected currency box is better, its selfsustaining, so i might only have enough money to pay for 50 ore but i sell some item and i can then buy for 200 ore without having to move the money around. ofc you can put limitation of how many you want to buy.

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I understand what you’re saying and it would be great for a self-sustaining shop where you don’t need to visit it as often to ‘top up’ resources.

I think the main issue with what you are proposing would boil down to concurrency and race conditions - meaning that if 2, 10 or even 20 people try and sell an item at the same time, pulling from the same shared money pot, it could potentially cause issues and would require additional development to circumnavigate, as opposed to just locking interaction to a plinth to one person at a time and letting that one object deal with a transaction.

I’m guessing that this discussion would have already done the rounds with @ben & @james - are you guys able to shed any additional light on how these will work?

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@ben is the designer here and I don’t really want to say any more for fear of accidentally contradicting exactly what is planned. I’m sure he’ll post details at some point.


Only if I can trade closets :confused:

Things like this are why my niece is endlessly confused that I drink beer and my brother prefers wine… damn gender trap.


BTW: I think those Plinths would be a good place for micro-transaction cosmetics IF you are going to add something like that.

The sharing, buying, trading, selling are all super super important to us. Here’s a dump of answers:

General design things related to buying and selling:

  • Private player to player trading of anything is really important, that’s coming
  • Selling specific items when you’re offline through terminals (Selling Plinth), that’s coming
  • Buying specific items when you’re offline through terminals (Buying Plinth), that’s coming
  • Receiving random items when you’re offline through terminals (Donation Box), that’s coming
  • If you want to buy an item type using a plinth you’ll need to find one first. The best buying shops will be run by players who have accumulated the biggest and broadest collection of items.

General design things related to currency:

  • Coin is the current terminology
  • Coin is special, it has it’s own space outside of your usual inventory
  • Coin will probably have some special behaviours (coin always goes in/out of your balance. You hold all your coin and don’t drop any on death, etc)

General design things related to the chest/container:

  • We’re planning for you to be able to interact with a chest and it’s neighbours simultaneously (that’s 9 at once, 36 slots). Only 4 at a time would be bad.
  • We’re hoping to add a way for you to easily move the contents of one container to another (click, drag and hold or something along those lines)
  • We don’t have any plans for a big chest that holds a bunch of items in a small space. We think this is cooler!
  • Covered chests aren’t planned, as it’s a sandbox game we’re leaving that up to you (stick a door on it, put it in a locked hidden room, etc)
  • You’ll still be able to lock chests and put them on display, this open design is purely for visualisation (you won’t be able to steal other people’s items Skyrim style).

Plinths are for in-game cash purchases only. If we add purchasable wearables it’ll be in a transparent way. I think it would leave a bad taste if we were to mix in-game and real money visual metaphors here.

seems a bit contradicting, but i guess if the plans is that they should only be used on a big scale i guess…

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Ah, I think it’s just worded ambiguously. If a shop owner wants to buy something, they put out a blue pedestal with the item they want on it (iron for ex). It’s not necessary for a customer to already own a sword to buy it off of a red pedestal. This is not so bad as it makes a shop owner at least source some of their own material to set up a shop, but not 100%. It does not prevent buying from shops or selling from your own. I think I worded that a little more accurately.

I also think this will encourage community, as miners could set up shops to sell to craftsmen every time they get a new raw material on a red pedestal, then once the craftsman has some of that material on their blue pedestals, miners can sell to it to keep the craftsman stocked.

I know what he meant, i just think its contradicting to have ‘‘you need to own an item before you can buy an item you need’’ if you just need one of the freaking item, but if you need to buy forexample 100 of them then it makes sense, which is why i say it makes sense on a big scale, but on a smaller one, not so much.

Well, of you’re working on a smaller, personal scale, it would be cheaper to source your own materials anyway.

This gives me the idea for a pedestal with a slightly different function though… if I had a single item and I was unsure of its worth, I might put it on auction. Will there be ways to support an auction pedestal?


You got me wrong. I meant changing the optical appearance of the Plinth for real money, not buying skins at a plinth.
After re-reading it I have to admit that it was indeed phrased rather poorly. :sweat_smile:


I really hoped that we will get some sort of vault to store our currency and don´t run around with 26k gold all the time like in WoW (and pretty much any other game) :confused:


Green cloth!


I would go with purple it feels more auctiony to me :slight_smile: (Also it is a combination of red and blue :slight_smile: )

Any plans for chests that is slightly larger on the expense of only being able to hold a single material/item?


Dunno, I’m a fan of it as a general mechanic. It helps to ensure that players progress at a controllable pace.

For example without that, someone could buy a bunch of coin (its going to happen), and place a plinth up requesting a bunch of rare resources or items that they wouldn’t normally have access to

With the system @ben has designed, it makes that more difficult (you have to find someone online and p2p trade)