Attractive Female Character Models?

Are we ever going to get any of these?

The current “Females” in this game look like badguys out of a Disney movie. There’s still also a lack of female voices.


Silly Miner! There are no girls on the internet!


I’m a ghost. I knew it!


Most of the Disney villains look more visually pleasing. Even Ursula had more womanly features. Heck, Cruella De Vil! Yzma!!!

Considering a mask just to not look at the chiseled man-chin.


Rock Goblins have always been hard to distinguish between the genders, it’s a little known fact that I just made up that they almost became extinct because of this. It’s only because they discovered b00b tubes that they survived and one theory is that if the original Oortians hadn’t been so fixated with portals and addressed the problem sooner they might of still been around today.



Aye, same with dwarves. Probably why I never played a female dwarf, even though dwarves are awesome.

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Yeah, Orcs had the same problem, it’s probably why they were always in a bad mood and so aggressive, all that pent up frustration and kept hitting on the same gender by accident and then getting into fights.

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Why do females need to be attractive? Why doses anything need to be attractive? It is very subjective what is attractive to some and what isn’t.

Attractiveness can be taken away by injury and age.


I don’t think we mean attractive as in super models or anything like that just characters (male included) that aren’t a step back in evolution closer to cavemen compared to the characters from Early Access. But you are absolutely right it is something that is very subjective and just down to personal opinion.

I was under the impression that was their goal. The sound effects from some of the emotes gave me that impression.

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Lol, yeah I have my sound turned down so as not to disturb anyone in my house.

I’d rather they stay ugly.
I don’t want to walk through a mass of (subjectively) attractive rock creatures dancing suggestively and asking for bfs and gfs and stone shovels or whatever
You KNOW it’d happen


And those ugly rags that look like they weren’t washed for ages… :smiley:

I’m not saying that female chars should be all wearing a bikini, but still…


My characters loincloth only gets a wash when he goes for a swim and without any soap it still looks pretty manky :rofl:

You have an outdated human appreciation of beauty. To us Oortonians, they are hot!

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Consider that these avatars aren’t even human, and we don’t know what their natural history or reproductive and young-rearing habits are (maybe they’re egg-layers or propagate vegetatively by budding). If you find you are “attracted” to one, or desire that they become more “attracive” you may find you need to seek help outside of the game, as it’s likely to impact other areas of your life.

Also, shouldn’t all the avatars be able to choose to use the chest strap? I mean, who are we to judge how they feel inside?

This can become an issue for female players though. In a lot of games we end up playing as male characters to avoid unwanted comments…so that we can play & enjoy the game too. I’m not talking about “WTB gf”. I’m talking about really nasty, disturbing comments.

I am the creator/leader of a large group on another MMO. One of the members referred to me using the pronoun “she” one day. All of the sudden, several male players said “wait, Major is a girl???” Then chat was filled with kissy faces and “Hey Sexy-Vexy xoxo” :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Not every girl wants to wear tiny shiny bralettes, and be a healer. I wouldn’t mind more face choices & such, but if they start looking like Rift/Sims/GTA characters…nope. I like that BL is different.

I have to say, out of all the games I play, Boundless is the least toxic and I love that. People joke around, but everyone is pretty cool. I hope it stays that way.


I’m all for more faces in general, both male and female.


Even when i am on the Male side i can understand how you feel about this harrassment, i tricked people into believing i were a Girl in my WoW Times to have it first hand :stuck_out_tongue:. I was really embarassed by the other man ;).

BUT, we had now 3 Girls revealing themselves in Town i guess, and so far everyone just carried on doing their business as Usual :slight_smile:. I think Boundless has the chance to be different, Even with “sexy female models”.

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What makes you all assume the smaller, chest-banded avatars are female? These are aliens, not Earth mammals. For all we know, the smaller toons are male and cover their chests to hide their sporulating organs, and reproduction is done by the larger females absorbing the spores through their moist glossy skin and ejecting their young out of those odd projecting head organs. There’s jusy way too much anthrocentricity here.

There are plenty of examples of species in which females are larger than males. Spiders, for example, where females are often orders of magnitude larger than males, and yes, a spider’s genitive organs are not associated with their bodily waste ducts.

What I’m trying to say is play the character you want to play. Don’t make any assumptions about it representing you (or anyone else) in real life, because in real life you’re not a planet-hopping space alien of unknown biology.