Attractive Female Character Models?

This is why I used the phase “visually pleasing.”
No, they don’t need to be super models.
I wouldn’t say a scaly lizard beast is attractive, but it’s dang cool to look at!


Maybe I am a space alien of unknown biology… but just don’t know it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’m guilty of this.
I also don’t always correct ppl if they say “he” or sometimes just openly mess with people’s heads. I’m whatever they want me to be. Neither they, nor I can prove otherwise.
Or… I fake foreign language. ( That’s backfired before though… very awkward.)


Seems totally irrelevant to this game. Do you think it matters if the male characters are attractive or not? Probably not. It doesn’t matter. In fact, I’m wondering why they even chose to put gender in at all now that I think about it.

I like attractive women too. I suppose you could just do a google image search for “attractive women” and get your fix that way?

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When you create your character, it asks if you want to be “male” or “female”.


I’d also like to say, when I choose to make a character, I don’t go to one gender specifically.

I look at both, decide which one I like better, then go from there.

If both feel about equal, then I base it on the name I want to use or what I want to do with them.

I total, I’ve probably played more male characters! Though not by much.

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Ah, so it’s the devs who have rigid preconceived notions of gender stereotypes and are pushing their political agenda through a video game. Fair enough, then. Now we need to start wondering what their motivation behind the lack of pants is, and if it has anything to do with a “BReeches EXIT” stance.

Oh for goodness sake…


What, are you in favour of a heteronormative cis-alien society?

Not even going to bother getting into that. It’s more the mention of brexit, it’s as dangerous bringing that up as Mr T

Ewww. Politics.


Other than the top the female character wears there is nothing female about the character the voice is Male the face is really manly. The female character need more female sounding voice a better face and why is there only one face to choose from and why cant the females have some different head pieces that are different from the males. There should be some more differences between Male and female other than wearing a top piece of clothing. I play as both Male and female characters would love see some more differences.

Maybe it’s time to remind the devs of their former design goals:

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Hmm, you wouldn’t have liked the original Max Payne then. Or Wario games, Earthworm Jim, Minecraft…There are tonnes of successful games with good gameplay that had good visuals with chars that weren’t visually pleasing but suited the theme.
I actually see no problem with what we have, earlier I just joked they were ugly but imo they suit the world and i’m not put off by them.
I think their look is a non issue. (excluding lack of clothing maybe)

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Minecraft is one of the most popular games of all time…and you have to play an ugly Bert & Ernie muppet looking guy that makes grunting sounds.

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Minecraft does have female characters that do look more female than Boundless I think. I might be wrong though

Yeah, you can get skins, but they still kinda look the same lol
Some of the outfits are pretty cool.

I think both character models are well built and beautiful, I only take issue with how intense the highlighted values are by default for most colors. They’re a bit much without detail color change options.

That being said, we should be careful not to let the video game industry’s instinct to satisfy the male gaze infuse itself in to our beloved world. The characters of Boundless aren’t human, but even if they were, it would be a huge disservice to sexualize half the character model pool when we all know that people are infinitely more diverse than any of that.

If anything, they should make it so either model could have or not have the chest cloth and then work on expanding the face selection options. That way, people can make their character almost any kind of a person.

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I really liked the old character models… I wonder why they were scrapped? :c The new ones are nice too… I just liked being a lion


If a game is going to let you choose Male or female there should be more that difference between the two