⁉ Automatic Stone Generator/Breaker (no mining required)

Awesome! I’ll come check it out when I’m on later :+1:

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This is so awesome haha. Ovis, the crazy Oortian inventor :man_scientist:

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Thanks Trickyy, haha I’ll happily take that title :wink:

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Imagine Ovistone genarators. Popping up every where^^.

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That would be great :smile:

Then you can turn the stone to doors and mint them. Ca-ching!! :money_mouth_face:

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big :brain: right there!

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its true. once tested A MASTA SPANNA on someone else’s machine

@Ovis have there been any developments since the inception of your stone generator?
I just decided to build one, but I keep having an issue that I cannot resolve. I feel I must be missing something:

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To clarify, the lava in each of the bottom two glass blocks is solidifying. And then water pours out of the bottom as a result. All the glass blocks containing liquid have been chiseled the same way–a precise square chisel on the inside corner.

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No developments as of yet, I theorised a better one, but turns out it wasn’t possible. I think that stone gen is the best its gonna get lol

So whats happening here is you need to chisel into the blocks beneath the power coils. This will prevent the liquids from crossing over :slight_smile:

Just a stone dent in that igneous rock will do the trick. If you run into more problems, I can come take a look in game

I use this technic alot but as a bumper(also Ovis invention). Verry usefull to get from any Floor(10 floors) of my goo farm to my storage Room right away. Check that youtube video of Ovis also.

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That did the trick! Thanks a bunch!

@Lyrical-11 that’s awesome! And a great use of the surface bumper :ok_hand:

@Radin Perfect, no worries :slight_smile:


Built a public one, but 8 times bigger. Thanks for the idea.

Found at TNT Megahub > Dzassak > Eqa’s XP & Stone Machine.


Love it! Will check it out today :fist_right::fist_left:

it still working? nothing changed from time they added solidifier?

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Still working :slight_smile:

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