Beacon Expired without notification

Not sure if this has happened to anyone else but I just had a friend of mines beacon expire on me without any notification. I did have the beacon on my list checked off and it was giving me notifications in the past. For whatever reason it didn’t and I lost all of her work. This isn’t the first time because I’ve lost another one of her beacons and her husbands a while back. She didn’t delete her account because I still have 2 more beacons that belong to her and her husband which are still on my list and currently I do get notifications from. Is there like a limit on getting notifications? Is this a regular that happens? Bit of a long shot but any way to bring back her area so when she decides to come back she has a place?

Thank you


Using the gleam club, I’ve never had this situation. Walking around i found a base out of fuel and already turned into ash, the most worrying part of that some shelves were still there with stuff, if the reclaim system has to save everything it wasn’t the case for this player. I saved what I could while waiting maybe for him to come back, we’ll see.


The issue with me is they didn’t have gleamclub but I had full perms to refuel their beacon which I have been for about a year. Their beacon was on my check list so I was always getting a notification but for the second time I lost another one of their places in my city. Just wondering if there is a limit on how many beacons you can have on your list and if one was to add one would it remove one. Its really odd because IF there was a limit on the beacon list it should have said full just like your save locations.


The limit of beacons on a character’s list is 250 unique beacons, I think. Not sure what happens when you’re at the limit but I’d imagine it wouldn’t let you add one to the list/fuel a new one.

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Maybe they reclaimed there beacon?

Not related to this. But there’s a beacon that reclaimed to ash. But the ash hasn’t regenned. It’s been weeks since it reclaimed. I could have regenned it but wanted to see how long it would stay for.


I have a spot on Janus II (creative) where there is a plot that is no longer plotted (was deleted) and does not regen anymore even though I never re-plotted it. I did re-fuel the beacon, but never re-plotted that spot. Weird stuff. Reported in-game already.


This is the spot.

it’s been well over a month and hasn’t regenned.


Idk how often you guys are checking these beacons, or if theyre in a popular zone. However, I do recall there being a timer and proximity deal with reclaims…

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Yeah I know a couple of spots like this. I think it might be because of people being around often?


Well that makes sense then. This is beside the ps hub on gyosha.

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:grin: Iirc the regen timer resets when a player enters the chunk and takes a couple hours to start again.

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There is no way people are entering that chunk ever couple hours for over a month. But who knows. I never see anyone around there when I’m playing. But I don’t go there often. Just keeping an eye on it for science. Lol.


They didn’t reclaim the beacon(s) @georgegroeg or she would have told me. I thought that too but she has been taking a break from boundless (about 8 months) and in the meantime I was getting notifications and refueling the beacon. For whatever reason for the second time I did not get a notification at all and now she and her husband have lost 3 builds. Yes the items are in reclaim but now they will have to rebuild since now they have no place. Just wanted to know if this is a known issue where the game stops notifying you about the beacon(s) needing to be refueled after a certain amount of time.

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so @Bryethewizard you believe there would be a certain amount of time where the game itself would just stop notifying you about the beacon(s) running out of fuel? Like I’ve been using their farm(s) in this latest one so the plots were basically in use. I find it odd that its only my friend and her husband’s beacons that just expired like that and not anyone else of my friends that have been on break for the same time period.

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@james has this been an issue in the past? or am I missing something in the game mechanics?

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Not at all, friend! I have no idea why you wouldn’t be notified. I still have notifications from months ago when some of my beacons expired. I was only commenting on the regen stuff that was posted. I remembered reading those particular patch notes

Edit: The only thing that comes to mind immediately is that you have too many notifications already or, (and idk your particular set-up) the players whose beacons expired were receiving those notes and not you.

@Bryethewizard I have the fueling setup so they won’t overlap each other… most I would have at one time would be 2-3 that would need to be refueled at one time.

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Thanks to comrade George


The chunk isn’t, by chance, at the 0,0 location?

Throw a regen bomb?


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