Beacon Persistence

yea I kinda like the charge system mentioned earlier. As you play, you passively regenerate the charge on all of your beacons.

yea you are probably right. I guess it depends on how long the game lives on. If beacons never went away, eventually it could get to the same level as foundation spamming in ark. Probably not though i guess with private worlds and how large the worlds are but hard to tell. Also depends on how big and how many beacons they allow when 1.0 comes out. Ark added the decay system where you could go up and demolish someone else’s structure if they haven’t been online for x period of time based on y material used to make the structure. The problem with that system is that I personally experienced an issue where i was being griefed but I couldn’t demolish his structures because he would log in once every two weeks for just a few seconds.

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What I would need out of this system, worst case scenario:
6 month maximum beacon duration
2 hours of effort (during the whole of the 6 months) to refuel the beacon (for 1 extra month)

A feature that would probably remove some downsides to these features would be that beacons go through an extra phase on expiring, before entering any degeneration phase, the beacon area goes on sale. It first goes on sale to people within their friend group, then to faction members, then to guild members and then to everyone before degenerating etc. The price of the area is based on its contents and then could be a auction in each section. The money goes to the owner for when they come back, helping them repurchase any expensive items they lost, and if they had a good looking build, it might help them to make amends. It’s not a win-win scenario, but more of a lose less scenario.


Ah not this :poop: again. I’m not deleting anything short of outright flame wars anymore. I’m not the forum police and I never wanted to be, but if I have to put you both in time-out I swear to all that is unholy I will figure out a way.
@zouls, leave the attitude behind when you post, even if you preamble with a disclaimer. If somebody disagrees, then ignore them if you aren’t going to bother with a civil counter arguement. Play nice, agree to disagree. Not every oppinions needs to boil down to an all out war.

I’m at work, people. I work 56 hours a week. I have a limited amount of time to post every day. I don’t want to waste my time making posts like these.


yes i love to explore and find hidden monument. And i like real this “wow” moments if i found a nice structure, its a good ground to explore the world. a bridge from 1 side to other side from a mountain often make it much easier to travel.

i dont know in which topic it was posted but known worlds size are 4k, 8k, 10k and maybe more. and i think it will give more as 2-3 worlds.
world ground size: 4k x 4k => 16mio => 100%
beacon from any player 100x100 => 1k => 0,006%
that is nothing. and on 16 mio blocks it give more as 2-3 good place to build
and now i know anyone will say if he set a beacon in a town and never build on this spot a other player can use this space better, maybe yes, but go it is like in the real life, if you buyed a place to build its you for ever.

A normal player will save all rare blocks in his chest because if he die he want lose all rare blocks and he build al crafting machines an all worbench in his house. And that other player cant destroy his home he setup a beacon on this spot. Now he had no time to play for maybe 3-4 month, after this time he think i had a great idea how i can expand my house and come back to the game. i started the game and see all is lost my complete house.
my response would be, beautiful was the idea, I deinstall it and play something else.

And here a question too this situation. If a player had a cheast in a beacon, and the beacon get lost because the time is over. what happen with the chest ?`all lost or ?

i think, bad luck for the player z, in the real life you can destroy a house only because you will build on the spot.


Personally I would rather this game reward the active player who can, or decides to be playing regularly, first.

With a fair and decent system in place to allow ample time for those who can no longer, or that don’t want to invest time, second.

Then an option for the greater community to upkeep, reward off of, or perma save those works, third.

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That would work for me, but not entirely. I would have to play in sort of 3 month fanboy bursts. Then take 6-12 month breaks at longest. As long as I didn’t lose any machines etc that are hard/expensive to get I wouldn’t mind.

I’m skeptical of these numbers.

I’m not, I’ve totally done that with Minecraft (multiple times in fact^^)

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Would that be due to playing other games in that time period?

No that would be due to loosing interest for some time (some months most of the time)

Right, so you lose interest in all gaming for months at a time?

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I can say I do, I kinda jump between intensive reading and intensive gaming. And then months where I am social and stuff.

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If you mean if I don’t play games for those months at all, no I play other games.
If you mean if that’s what happens with all games I play, that I lose interest for months. Yes, but that’s the best case scenario.

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It’s the 6-12 month statement that I am skeptical of. Not that people don’t fluctuate what they do for a few months at a time. 6-12 seems embellished.


I lose interest with games periodically, either because of burnout or to avoid it. I`m not representing anybody else, just what I tend 5o do.


So what @Combatman12 and @KuroKuma are saying is that ya’ll are only playing other games instead of the same game continuously. That’s what I was trying to clarify. Quitting gaming in general for 6-12 months sounded unlikely.

So the point I’m getting at is it would be trivial to log in for a few moments every month or so to preserve your progress or such.


It would yes, but it would also subconciously extend the period I don’t want to play the game because it will always be on my mind instead of giving me the break I need.


If i could replenish the beacon by using resources i already own, taking seconds to replenish, yeah, why not.


Then let me ask this- I know that this community is massively against any form of micro transaction, but would you be willing to buy inexpensive 1-3 month recharges for your beacons from a cash shop? I’m just sort of testing the waters here.

Edit- I’d also like to see a way to store additional beacon charge that I could upkeep manually, like in my battery idea further up this thread, but this is for those other cases.


Definitely not, I bought the game under the assumption it’s buy to play. And this is definitely a game element that isn’t vanity in the slightest. (Vanity items being the only thing I’d accept in a cash shop)