Beacons are for the people, against community's

That’s my point lol.

One thing is having a ploted space with nothing but the original terrain or maybe a little house, and then there is OP case where they have a murderous hole.

I also have some ploted areas around worlds, but I try to plot on the sky to keep the resources available in the meanwhile.

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Many points there venom, I dont mind the gleamclub lock or anything, i do hate empty land with deathtraps or someone intentionally leaving the game for good knowing they are not looking out for their friends, community, or just having no respect at all.

Biggest one of all has to do with nothing of worth on the plots, being a detrimental force causing the too many players unrest and millions of minus exp in death tickets combined. If they got gleam club, we understand and wait, and we wait much longer then we should for almost nothing but 2 plots and a crafting bench with torches just to cover a hole.

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I always bring FFXIV up when it comes to beacons. When you buy a house in FFXIV you have to log in and physically walk through your door at least once every 2 months if I remember correctly. The game will email you after 30 days or so if you haven’t walked through. After the 2 months or however long is up, you lose your house and they put all furniture in storage accessible through an npc. I think they give u a month to claim it from the npc before it’s lost forever.

Boundless needs

  1. Auto Storage on important items for when you run out of fuel.
  2. A way to email players when their beacon is expiring
  3. On beacons less than X prestige a player can “flag” a beacon. With enough weight to flags (many players or trusted players) will trigger something that will first notify said player in game. As time passes it will email the player telling them to log in by a certain time period to verify they still want the beacon.

In regards to point 3- if you’re an active player in the planning stage this should be no issue. If you aren’t active maybe you just need to bite the bullet and find some new land when/if you want to play again. Obviously high prestige builds won’t be able to be flagged at all, this is mainly for those campfire builds of players that either forgot or quit boundless.


You call me venom like you don’t know me as Mag in game. Just like that time in discord :roll_eyes::joy:

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Oh wut? Actually I forgot… I am no good with stuff! That and I ignore you constantly.


I will be very against any option of feature that gives a player power over another player. We already have way too many control in this area and don’t need more.

But, I do agree in trying to solve ways to help both city owners and those that have beacons there in a better way to communicate. I also would support this feature to change the way Cities actually work:

Cities should be a group of people that OPT-IN not a server layer that tries to create it. This will solve one side of the problem for sure.

For the other problem regarding land and people “in the way” – unfortunately I am more and more thinking that Boundless needs a complete redesign to create player or shared worlds for groups to build on and worlds where you can only explore and not build on. Basically a way to move us more toward private planets and share planets for groups. This “any person can plot beside you” or take over the planet for their own reasons and ■■■■ others off or build whatever they want obscuring your views has to go away in my view. The MMO design for building and plotting and sharing a planet just is not working. We need a ground-breaking change to remove the conflict. A move towards more NMS unlimited planets with some way to ensure people do build together without pissing each other off.


giving a few specific players power wouldn’t solve the problem, it just moves it away from those people, and closer to other people. Getting issues resolved becomes more about brown-nosing with the people in power, and less about doing the right thing.

Bottom line is that the problem is subjective, and everyone involved has a different perspective of what is right and wrong to do in these beacon situations. Giving a random community person the power to enforce their own subjective opinion will only make people angry.


This is why I started to keep the perms until people build their shop at Nova Golda Market, if they are not serious the plots are still mine, I give them quite a few weeks before I take them back. Even sometimes happened they started building and then stopped for more than a month to never be seen again. Broke it down, stuffed it in a storage block next to it with an advanced lock for them to pick up if they ever came around but usually somehow never happens.

I remember one time at my old market someone wanted plots and didn’t do anything at all for 4 months! Just an empty space in the middle of the market. Took some trouble to chase them down and then they are kinda upset I make such a huge deal out of it, “it’s just a game!” they usually proclaim. Ehmm, yeah, but I want to have something nice here, not too difficult to understand!


Always thought it would be a good idea for devs to be able to grant temp builders rights on empty plots in middle of city’s, like if there’s nothing built at all, give the city say a week of building rights to patch it up then release it back to the original owner cos if there’s nothing built at all I’m sure if the plot owner returns there not going to be annoyed at someone giving them a free starter on it if ya get what I mean?


I would be very against too much power for a person aswel, as I stated someone that would review problems, and weed them out with a more direct line to the dev’s.

Say kada1 has 10 problems in a month, and all of these would have been reported to James reguardless. If this ambassador position could bring that number down to 3-5 then we dont waste James time. Assuming most of these could be handled by just talking it out, or someone with a more understanding of the rules to explain, then they could use their imaginary red phone for the real problems that actually need someone to use Dev powers.

Currently anyone can report anytime for anything, if you have worked retail before I’m sure you know people can get weird.

All the other things you pointed out on a full scale redevelopment of the game should have it’s own topic to seperate these from current possibilities of fixing community’s ability to grow. Though you have some seriously good thoughts on it most of them have little impact on the tiny fix I was thinking.

This is something that comes up every so often. Unfortunately, there won’t ever be a good fix. It’s part of living in a game with other players. Sometimes people stop playing. Many times these people just aren’t as invested as the person asking them to log on and give up their time to fix something in a game they aren’t playing. Other times they are using GC to keep their main build active and their alts plots will just remain.


That’s a thought, cause how hard would it be to just make a brick parking lot with a few flowers.

Temp build permissions for say city leader or warden if prestige is under 2k or something. I’m sure it have more criteria like “offline for 2 months” and have a stamp on the beacon that says who altered it so we dont get any offensive signs or patterns.

You can high five yourself, that’s a good suggestion for sure.

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Remember we are talking about the “in an active city couple plots that kill players or allow mobs to crawl all over the city.”

I’d never remove a house of a player where he has time invested and items stored.

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I have very little faith this wouldn’t be abused in some way. I’d rather the game go single player or self hosted before we give others the ability to get permissions on other’s plots. I have had storage plots under 2k prestige that have held millions of coins worth of items at the time. I would only trust maybe a handful of people in this community to not steal it with this propsed idea if I got deployed.


If you want others to add to/edit/change/remove your stuff, you give them perms on your beacon or the guild. If the game started letting random players edit or remove other player’s stuff, people would avoid this game like the plague. We could def use private clubs of some sort with more permissions given to the club leaders though.


I had a little 1plot base on lambliss owned by my first alt back in the day when it was my first t3 foothold. I kinda forgot i had it, because my alt became my crafter and has been stuck at home base ever since, using GC to keep my stuff fueled.

Eventually someone else started a huuge build on the hill behind me and over time I ended up being in their way.

Seeing as it was my alts place, and mailboxes didnt exist back then, the guy had a horrible time getting a hold of me, eventually bugging ppl in-game who happened to know me and so eventually got the plot freed.

-sometimes its very easy for even active players to lose track of unvisited spots. Maybe it would be useful if per account you could get a reminder when you log in if a certain beacon hasnt been visited in, say, 6weeks? This would be akin to a basic fuel running out. It wont prevent anyone from doing this intentionally, but as a previous offender it could be nice to be reminded of such beacons…


For the forums, we have the @leader to help fill this sort of role and take some of the moderator burden off of James’ shoulders, though not any real mod abilities. It is already very burdensome, and the only real risky damage we could potentially cause is to hide or lock somebody’s thread- and I personally have received pleanty of hate mail for that over the last few years.

If the devs came to me, and told me I’d be in charge of handling player disputes, even just for my own home planet (biitula) I’d say HECK NO! Only if I was paid a salary and deleted my personal account would I consider taking such a responsibility. To do the job well is more work than any player should be expected to do voluntarily, and the extreme potential for conflict of interests would leave any decision made by such a person subject to overwhelming scrutiny from their own community, warranted or not. No no, players would be the absolute worst choice for such a role. Only paid dedicated unbiased employees should fill such a role.


This is why I was saying nothing built at all, I wouldn’t be comfortable with anything over the beacon level really but this is why I said dev really cos they could check it out for underground fort knox’s

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The problem with this is that people beacon spaces for many different reasons.

To save a location to warp to
To preserve a resource (ie: plants/ores) to mine over and over
To preserve a nature area
For a future home/shop

The devs can’t read a player’s mind to determine if or when they plan to build something or why they beaconed a space. This game has no time limits or building restrictions - besides not fully blocking someone or building something obscene :woman_shrugging:t3:


Kinda getting alittle off topic here. We are still using the 2x2 death plot from 1 year ago(before guilds) that had a crafting table and a few torches that has zero ways to find him as our focus.

I meen I get the off topic ideas, full scale revamps of the game, and the limited power of a trusted player altering things. My main goal is to ask when that 2x2 plot becomes more important then an active large community, and ways you think this could be fixed. While I understand concerns about your own beacons that actually have items stored and are used by a player that can be found who currently plays, this is about abandoning nothing death makers in a massive city.