So I’m loving doing solo meteorites… done a couple on Delta Cancret (horrible planet haha) and went to Cephonex Merika yesterday and did a few there too which was good. Any other low level meteor planet recommendations for planets that aren’t full of craters and water like Cancret?
Or any organised meteor hunts that happen at certain times or anything I could join?
There’s always Circarpous, that does have a lot of water, but it’s not like Delta Cancret, where you have to go down a mountain, traverse some water than go up again. The fact is, no planet is perfect… specially the T4 ones.
When talking about different planet tiers, the far you go, the more difficult it gets. And that applyes to the terrain navigation too.
If you want a nice and easy place to hunt, where you don’t have a lot of really big mountains, Biitula is probably my favorite T3 planet. But you can also go to Grovidias Te, that is also a very nice planet, or to any other T3.
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Awesome, thanks for the suggestions I’ve a few to go at there 
and I think Cancret is only a level 3? it’s just those craters that drive me mad haha!
I will definitely have a look at Biitula and Grovidias I’ve not been to either of those yet!
Boori is another great T3 option. You might find yourself leaping over quite a few cliffs with your grapple but it’s a beautiful planet and the meteors drop more frequently than Cephonix Merika, in my opinion. It’s worth checking out. 
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i found Merika to be quite abundant, so if there’s even more over there I’ll definitely check it out! Thank you 
and at the moment I only have a crappy iron grapple that I made myself. made quite a few Cs in my shop recently though so I’ve aroind 20,000 to spend… what sort of grapple would you recommend for the lower level worlds?
Oh ,no it’s definitely a T4 XD
Indeed. And it’s a really beautiful planet!
I usually run solos, or just me and the wife. We almost always go to Cephonex Merika.
No water, just some random lava holes that are easy to miss.
Biitula is also decent. But I hate fighting in the trees.
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I usually go to Grovidias Te
Thanks guys 
Any grapple suggestions? a gem one perhaps? I need something that actually moves me rather than this crappy iron one!
I prefer sapphire or emerald grapples myself. Generally forged but not always.
Though when I first started and didn’t have access to a gem grapple the titanium was my best friend for a long time.
I only use Diamond or Emerald. But I run T6 worlds for gathering.
If you only will be on a T3 mostly, any will work.
Look for Range, reel in/out speed and Dura if you get forged stuff.
For low level worlds balanced sapphire should do you good. Shouldn’t be too expensive either.
I could do a special order hand trade if you would like.
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I wouldn’t waste forged grapples on a T3. Especially if you are in a guild with Grapple and Run active.
:o That would be awesome, I’m not good enough to craft my own yet, and I’ve not even seen a sapphire lol!
Where are you based? and how much we talking?
Wouldnt waste forged? They are so cheap now days. I have a stash of around 20-25 forged grapples. Everything from hookshots for Ice gathering to metas for T6.
I think everything i use is forged. I even forge light source onto basic gem axe for reactives lol.
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Hiya, I’m not in a guild as of yet, I’m a very solo player (loner if you will haha) But I do venture to level 4 planets occasionally.
Almost explored Besverona the other day… saw a massive cuttlefish… straight back through the portal 
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You can get a forged gem grapple with range + reel in/out for 5-6k coin.
Dura isnt that huge of a deal. They last you a decent while.
Edit: WATCH for quirks.
Do NOT get bouncy feet or one jump ahead. Itll make it very unpleasant lol
I have forged grapples for T6 meteor hunts. I make most of my own gear and just do not like the forging process very much, not that there is anything wrong with it. I just used forged stuff for very specific tasks.