Best planets to find gems

haaay have been playing boundless for a copple days now and can somebody help me with what planets have the gems i cant seem to really find them

ty in advance

Check out this post.


ty mannnn coulndt find that

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This post is also quite useful, for all resources including gems. Particularly IMO the PDF james linked in the OP.

PDF from james

Andoweem has the most gems compared to every other planet right now

Should I add the pdf to my Gem mega-thread? I’m not sure if James would be cool with that or not. @james

I would think that would be fine. He did post in the forum for user consumption. :wink: I linked it here with no objection thus far.

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Dumb question on my part… thank you. :slight_smile:

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Not at all good sir! Never hurts to ask. :slight_smile:

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Pronto, there is a portal in my town of Lecuna Degene to a ruby cave on Vulpto and I also have a great diamond cave on andoween I can introduce you too? :slight_smile: I’m on most nights so hit me up on discord and ill help you out :slight_smile: