Better connections between planets and cities

Damn moebster is good.
Although half was jibberish bit i still get it

Edit. Someone has to so it lol

omg plaza trampoline
i miss the plaza alot lol
hey @Buugi found the icon system aswell with the defualt bunny sign
pre emoticon for surez loool
what a job making those
also notice the colorcoded portals
and the icons had info when you clicked on them

mining network portals done wright lol

Dunedragon and Moebs pro mining corporation (stop being confuzed use this :) )

gleam is found under a single block metamorphic grave hahaha
gleam use to be recycled dead people :joy:
hey @RedY3 funny how everybody complained abut red gleam instead off exploring art district to find 13 locations to mine them hahahaah


Yes because telling you the best portal route is way more complex they would need to develop a path finder system that refreshes constantly.
But giving you a token it’s easier even if the shop beacon has warping disabled the warp could bump you to the nearest safe location.

Where is this giant beast?


Short of memorizing the hubs everywhere, and staying up to date on which portals are active, there really isn’t a system for looking up how to get around, is there? Even if people go through the painstaking task of collecting all the hub information and post it on the internet, it’s always changing so fast. I’ve seen some inventive beacon naming for trading items, such as naming your beacon where gleambow totems are sold “3x3 speed Loot Magnet.” Naturally, in that particular example you can only sell that one item, but it was effective for the event. It might be useful if we could have short beacon notes that other players could see through the knowledge database. For example Beacon X, accessible via Y or Z portal hubs. I suppose that data will get outdated as well occasionally. But for the time being, naming your beacon–especially for stores-- something relevant to the location is very useful.

True, I got my information in the wrong place. I see it’s more half that.

I also try to do this with my shop. I split my shop in individual beacons, and each beacon sells something specific, like T6 Dura hammers, T1 / T2 farms, etc. And I also have the way to get there. Even so, I got messages that I should open a portal at that hub, or another hub, and so on. I don’t have such a big shop at my base to need 3-4 hub connections, the oort cost would be to heigh unfortunately, so even so, with the location in the name, ppl give up comming the second time, they just mark the shop (in theyr heads) as a NOPE.

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The crux of it is that the infrastructure is already there. Both PS and TNT support city-portals per planet hub.

The issue is that the cities need to link up to the hubs. It’s the city/settlement owners responsibility :slight_smile:


When i walk around the hub… im always like mmmm maybe i should set up a data base.
Where i make a groundcard and fill in which portal goes to where…
It would be awesome to do that…
Yet its an heavy maintance to keep it up to date. most of Portal Seeker namechange requests are in the portal request text chanel. If i want to find something i try to search it there and hope to find it… :stuck_out_tongue: but then then the beacon name should correspont with the sign name. what most people do i hope

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TNT is already in planning stages for a solution to this problem!
It will be as easily accessible as everything else.

One jump to freedom!


This wouldn’t happen to be planned for a particular date in July would it? :grin:


No comment…

The Megahub name is trademarked :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Innovate don’t imitate


Yeah, I find 2/3rds or more of my time out going shopping is spent just walking through portal after portal, then after searching every portal on the portal seekers hub for that planet, choosing the closest one and grappling 700m-1.5km just to find out that they had a portal seekers portal, just on a completely different planet. Portal seekers really needs to limit their shopping hubs so that they can only go to cities/shops/player portals located on that actual planet, and potentially even that their portal should be located in the direction that the place actual is from the hub to save even more time. I’ve even been wanting to convince Ryo to link to the actual hub on our planet rather than Lamblis, but the Sochaltin hub is like half done and no one really uses it, so it’s just linking there to have us go through an extra portal to lamblis to get anywhere.

Sorry, but I’m really kind of sick of having to portal jump through dozens of unlabeled portals anytime I wanna buy something.


our first intention is that cities and players have portal at the planet they are from.
But for shops it might behard. We decided to give it a more central place so that people have to visit less hubs to find different shops. In this case the best way is to check which planets they can connect to with a 2x2 portal.

The shopowners pick their portal and request an name change in our discord. again try that to find the shop . Otherwishe on occasion we walk around naming the nameless portals but to be fair. We have a great maintaince team. but it isnt as big as it has been . most of us are short of checking boundless now and then, and doing our bits. yet a few still dedicated portal masters :slight_smile:

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As it turns out most of the TNT Host hubs should in most cases already have connections to other networks on the specific planet. Its just a question of looking for the section where the putt them.

Not because its a must but because connections. To make it easier for people to get to their location via several routes.

We can start adding routes on signs at portals but it will get messy and fast, or just pointless.

Portals payed/service by host are the most reliable portals to add routes but probably is unnecessary as they exactly say where they go. Like ps, ult, tiggs, guardian, and on and on.
(Add to that connections that they know of)

Portals that ar owned by others are a nightmare to keep updated in some if not most cases as owners change, locations change, portals get shut down…
To keep routes updated on these portals gets messy and asks even more paying attention to by hub owners going trough every single one and checking if it still is the same route.
(Add to that some might not want to have traffic trough their portal and only want it for personal use)

That said adding connections on the planet is a possibility and can be done but settlement change and or disappear. So to keep track we would have to either visit our “fast travel network” or just add portals to other settlements and services them adding to the Oort payload.

Its a valid point you have, but at this point more as having portals available for settlements to take is about all that can be done. In some if not most cases.

Don’t get me wrong but there are settlements out there that have no connections at all, death portals or just don’t want a portal.
And short of trying to get in touch with them or simply keep nagging them for a connection. Is in some cases a nightmare to do. As some move on or just simply ignore you.
And just planting a portal at their settlement in these cases can be a very big no no.

Again see your point and excited to see what TNT thinks up (help out if i can). But for now its a “problem” that isn’t easily solved.


best thing i could think of is to find a group of people that are willing to maintain this data.
you can contact a network you want to work together with or be an independed guild/organisation.

Im sure if you came up with a system that the networks would love to help you distribute the information, specially when you include them. weekly updated or something. i need to think about it but i would like to help you with it.

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You also can ask a TNT host as they might be able to point you in the right direction or might have traveled to that exact same shop several times. Maybe even give you a route to take.

Like @SePras said keeping the networks in a loop is key here :wink: and maybe we will find a better solution to this.

Would be cool if some info list shows up when looking at portal frames like city name if it is a house our à shop stuff like that my icon system did that but I’m Def not volunteering do add that to a hub network the size off yours lol

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well i hope it would be clear that the portals on the shopping rings… are shopping portal :stuck_out_tongue:
What i more ment was a excellsheet with like something

Planet Biitula

beacon name | city | Hub 1 | Hub 2 | Hub 3
beacon name | city | Hub 1 | Hub 2 | Hub 3
beacon name | city | Hub 1 | Hub 2 | Hub 3
beacon name | city | Hub 1 | Hub 2 | Hub 3

Planet Grovidias Te

beacon name | city | Hub 1 | Hub 2 | Hub 3
beacon name | city | Hub 1 | Hub 2 | Hub 3
beacon name | city | Hub 1 | Hub 2 | Hub 3

and then make it a searchable excel sheet or something…

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Don’t want to sound ungreatfull or anything like that, but, wouldn’t it be easier for the PS guy that renames / checks the portal also opens an excel and adds the data there? I mean, like you said, you already have a great group of ppl, trust worthy, that handles this. Just saying.

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