Better Glass

This would be a nice effect! It’s technically doable I think, but unfortunately as I already mentioned, any glass block that doesn’t have a frame would be completely invisible. So if you made a really big pane of glass like this, it would be confusing for people who can’t see the frame when they run into apparently solid air.

They do! More or less anything that isn’t a block does. We haven’t made much use of semi-transparent materials yet but I’d certainly like to do more with them.

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Bugbear expression is good inspiration to me :slight_smile: Already tried to draw one. The coolest result was a capsule like bug. Really nice, although one could say there is a reference to Pokemon. But I don’t have that much of an affinity to this game (never played it, cannot say whether I’d like it or not).

Hey @jesshyland - I know this is an old topic, but @Faelan just linked your reasoning for the current glass and it’s the first time I’ve read it. Is the current glass still open to be revisited? If so, would it be possible to have a frame around the outside of connected glass blocks, as mentioned by @alexanderyou, but have any middle blocks take on a pattern of their own; something less intrusive than the current border.

Here are some examples - not exactly these, but something along these lines - and something that works well when repeated;

To be clear, the glass wouldn’t be frosted, as I understand that’s not possible given the current system. The glass would be opaque, with a sold pattern in the middle of any central glass blocks - outer blocks would retain your current window frame.

I’d love to hear your thoughts.


I’d certainly like to make a patterned glass block at some point as a more ornamental alternative to the plain glass block. We don’t currently have a system for changing textures based on adjacent blocks that would be required for this idea of framing ‘only the edges’, so that would require some engineer time on top of the usual texture authoring time to make a new block.

I do want to revisit glass at some point, but the solution is not going to be a simple fix and it’s just not a high priority right now.


Thanks for the reply @jesshyland. Far be it from me to tell you things you’ve no doubt already thought of.

Another quick one; don’t door pieces change depending on adjacent doors? If you stack two doors they become a big door, rather than two single doors.

Doors are made of meshes rather than simply voxel blocks, so they don’t have the same restrictions as normal blocks. We use some fancy code magic to determine which parts of the door mesh to use where, depending on how you’ve placed the pieces.

Using meshes instead of voxels is one possible solution for glass as it sidesteps the alpha transparency issue(meshes can have semi-transparent textures as you may have seen on some items), but they’re not as flexible as voxel blocks and we don’t want people to be building whole structures out of meshes as that could lead to problems.


I noticed that you can’t see though glass underwater. It appears as kinda flowing water against the glass and not as a transparent block.

Is there a plan for better glass? There are some great suggestions in this thread, but it’s over a year old.

  • 1 for the frameless glass too.
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glass underater/underlava is a very different (equally hard) problem compared to just semi-translucent glass.

semi-translucent glass needs a rendering engine overhaul for order-independent transparent alpha rendering to be viable.

seeing into water/lava through glass requires a much more complex fog-rendering solution that can allow fog parameters to change volumetrically for a single pixel of the screen (eg indoor fog up until the point you enter the water, where it then has to change to “water fog”) otherwise it wouldnt look like underwater/underlava it would be entirely see-through with the same fogging as the indoor of the building and look totally broken… OR assuming the semi-transluent glass works, would have to be hacked so that glass against water/lava is given a very high alpha to “emulate” fog through the water/lava but would be equally broken looking.

Note, if careful you can get an idea of the fog issue on allowing glass to look into water/lava, if you get the camera so that the screen is “half underwater” and “half above water” then fog will go super weird as half of the screen will render with the wrong fogging depending on whether the centre of the screen is in water or not. If you get it so that the water is not rendered with the correct fog, that is what it would end up looking like if you could see out into the water/lava through glass underwater/lava, aka totally wrong.


@lucadeltodecso So are you saying that you can make glass see through looking into water but it would have to be completely transparent with no fogging like above ground unlike when we swim in water and it fogs off into the distance?

Generally yes, including for lava which would look waay more broken given how dense the fog in lava is.

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@lucadeltodecso Ah ok … personally I wouldn’t mind that for glass underwater as my aquarium is perfectly clear when I look through it but if I go swimming and open my eyes it’s more foggy which is why I’d use a face mask.

I wouldn’t expect lava to be see through at all as essentially it’s molten rock.


I spent aaaaages in EA building an underwater base and then when I finally cleared the foliage out from behind the glass… ugh. I understand the limitations but I’m not sure I understand why it sort of works in places. I’m sure I remember if I looked up through glass into water it worked and looked as I’d expect.

I also noticed that in certain light on Therka at specific times of day, the detail outside would start to emerge as silouhettes through the water and I often wondered why it couldn’t at least do that all day and night.


Out of interest, how comes we have fancy translucent glass on the Ornate Wood Door? If it’s possible there, can we have specialist/different glass blocks do the same?

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The doors are meshes, whereas the glass is a block - the transparency requirements and overheads for blocks work differently

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Weeeeeeeell… given they still:

  • block us
  • block mobs
  • take a block’s space
  • can be broken & placed again like a block

Would it be possible to have a different glass as a mesh?

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I hope so, but not sure what effect that would have on the mesh limit per chunk (especially with all the other mesh items they have in the pipeline)

Ohh right I gotcha. Perhaps similar as to why my FPS drops to a slideshow whenever I find a keen gardener who’s harvested lots of plants and placed the models in their build?

I tried @lucadeltodecso experiment of getting the camera half into the water, and seeing what the underwater looks like, and it looks pretty much exactly as you’d expect it to look when looking through glass. I get the fog thing, but as @GreyArt247 said, the fog really simulates opening your eyes underwater.

If you added fog while looking through underwater glass, it would look broken. Without it, it looks great.

I’ll +1 on the underwater glass with no fog.


Underwater viewable glass would be super neat! Can you imagine the neat underwater builds that would enable?

If I dare say, it may lead to some cool opportunities for underwater creatures, if that has not been thought of before. Imagine being in a underwater city and you can see water creatures swimming about outside the glass wall.


totally agree on the transparenty glass without fog underwater

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