I hope so, but not sure what effect that would have on the mesh limit per chunk (especially with all the other mesh items they have in the pipeline)
Ohh right I gotcha. Perhaps similar as to why my FPS drops to a slideshow whenever I find a keen gardener who’s harvested lots of plants and placed the models in their build?
I tried @lucadeltodecso experiment of getting the camera half into the water, and seeing what the underwater looks like, and it looks pretty much exactly as you’d expect it to look when looking through glass. I get the fog thing, but as @GreyArt247 said, the fog really simulates opening your eyes underwater.
If you added fog while looking through underwater glass, it would look broken. Without it, it looks great.
I’ll +1 on the underwater glass with no fog.
Underwater viewable glass would be super neat! Can you imagine the neat underwater builds that would enable?
If I dare say, it may lead to some cool opportunities for underwater creatures, if that has not been thought of before. Imagine being in a underwater city and you can see water creatures swimming about outside the glass wall.
totally agree on the transparenty glass without fog underwater