Better Meteors & Less Particles

The goal of this collection of modifications is to improve the visibility of meteors for easier spotting and tracking as well as reduce or completely remove intrusive particle effects. These effects include blinding snow, blinding quirk effects when switching to a forged weapon with quirks, and many more.
The original intent of this collection was to both increase the size & opacity of falling meteor trails as well as the size & opacity of the meteor signal once landed. However due to a bug that I can’t nail down quite yet, I’ve had to remove the signal modifications. Said bug would cause the signal (and meteor player count/meteor progress) to stop showing altogether seemingly randomly.
This collection is very much meant to be a functional improvement and has very little to no concern for aesthetics. There may still be some intrusive effects I haven’t found so let me know if you see something!

Screenshot of the modified meteor trail:

Screenshot of the (currently buggy and unavailable) modified meteor signal:


Download here



I really like the idea of removing the snow and ash later effects so I can build uninterrupted.

What do I do after the file is downloaded?

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Assuming you don’t have multiple drives, you’d go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Boundless then extract the stuff from the zip and drop it in there. Tell it to replace anything it asks for and bam. Should be good to go next time you start Boundless.

One can only hope for some kind of mod launcher so we can get official mod support to endorse the popular ones and to make installing them easier like a lot of games have.

This way everyone has access to them if they are allowed to be used and the removal of quirk effects is the best and hopefully something the devs implement in either removing it completely or a option in the settings at the least.


Oh nooos im on ps4 i think its time to leave the game…

It’s now implemented in the game. Build mode removes snow.

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Mini map? Being able to see meteorites further and easier even dormant ones. The list goes on but this is bad on a live server in an mmo environment.

A portion of the player base is at a disadvantage, console, we play he game as is, how devs made it.

This should not be allowed in an mmo. How are devs allowing this.

Updated! (at long last :D)

Download here

Happy hunting!

Is there much difference between new version of the meteor mod then the old one?

I changed precisely nothing about the meteor effects. However there was a slew of new particles elsewhere in the game that needed removing.

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