Boundless Bot - Hunts and more!

Thx , will try on Weekend If i can Till then won t be online because of Work.

Sorry about the issues on July 1st. Looks like I lost power to the house while I was out and the server didn’t start back up. Got to love California and all the darn EVs sucking up all the power! :slight_smile: Bot should be back online.

I am in the progress of redoing a few things on how I host the bot so there might be a few moments where I reset it over the next few days. But, it shouldn’t be down for hours like now… I’m heading out to home depot to get some hamster backups to run the power just incase it goes down again. :slight_smile:

For those that post frequently don’t forget we have a way to save a template for the message now you can try. See the last update.

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Guess it is down right now?

I’m trying to make sure I keep everyone’s configs safe. So I have a new backup routine that is being flaky and crashing it out but I’m watching it closely today. The last change looks like it fixed it so things should go back to be stable again. I think we were last time up to running it 65 days straight… Either way if this change isn’t fixed and it does go down it should only be for a few min.

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