Boundless Creative mode Lua scripting documentation

Alright Dave, that sounds indeed rather nice, care to share the script(s)? I always learn faster from examples :slight_smile:

Anyway, food first, then scripting…


Run this and then you should see a sphere appear nearby. Jump on the soil block in the middle then stand back to get a tree.


Make the tree grow in width and height 1:3 ratio each jump. Hehe

omg, I’ve been waiting for this.

Time to make my own version of blueprint system :joy:


Just did a small update on the API’s and samples. Please don’t edit the samples directly (make a copy instead) because steam will overwrite them during updates.

We added:

  • entity:get_health() -> (health:number,maxHealth:number) | nil :: returns the health and maximum health of the entity
  • entity:isDead() -> boolean :: returns true if the entity is dead. This is not strictly the same as checking get_health() returning 0 for current health, as in the middle of an update an entity may temporarigly go to 0 health before gaining health due to some other effect. The entity only dies towards the end of an update when no more effects can occur that may bring the entity back from the brink of death.
  • boundless.describeBlockValues(BlockValues) -> BlockValuesDescription which has following fields
  • block-id fields: blockType, embeddedBlockType
  • color index fields: embeddedBlockColorIndex, blockColorIndex
  • and grassHeight, dugup, gleambow, textureRotation, placeOnFace, rotation, powered, connections

.qb parser in the works <3


Updated the OP with details of the latest scripting API changes:



Impressive builds, how long did they take you to create?

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Not that long I think since it looks like they are writing a qubicle file parser to import builds! Qubicle is a voxel editor…


WTF. You built all that in a day? Is there a duplicate or mirror script or something? I no nothing about the lua script stuff. I tried to get on creative and couldn’t load onto the server yesterday. Plus I had to start a new character for testing so ended back in the live game building. :man_shrugging:

I figured they had been imported as they were done so quickly since this update launched in testing, I was just curious as to how long they took @Karokendo to create in the first place, so much detail despite no chiseling.

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Ahh, I made them back at the beginning of 2019. They took some time but I made them in external program.

I will share a package tomorrow for public use. Now with modding api I could finally implement this parser I made into the game :slight_smile: It will be as simple as running one-two commands in console to prepare them for Boundless. I also plan on implementing chiseling and various colors.


They are amazing, you’re very talented, I wish I had a fraction of your creativity :grin:


I just want to make a world of my own!

So I have absolutely no idea what any of this means. Does that mean this is not for me?

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We all know how hard dark souls is. If Dave’s soul is lost in that game I fear there is no hope. Our best bet is create a creative mode where we can resurrect him there… oh wait.


BTW, is there a way to make the Debug/Creative font bigger???

I can’t sit at a desk yet so am doing stuff on the couch, the monitor isn’t far but too far away for the Debug menu font size :slight_smile:

Changing actual Win10’s screen resolution from 2160p to 1080p helps but it seems to always use a size relative to the current resolution, would be helpful if I could still run the display at 2160p but the font is double in size…

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We need a mob that eats wheat…
Theb you could do automated wheat farm. Hehe

Then we will need scarecrows :smile:


We will need Oortcrows. Like giant Oorty dolls on posts.

Also, large winged mobs that ravage unprotected surface crops, and underground tunneling worm mobs that ravage unprotected underground crops.