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I had a big document prepared for this, but in true “dog ate my homework” fashion, I left it on my office computer, so you all are stuck with just the bullet points.
Below are a few proposals to improve the economy that increase in both complexity and impact. The intent is to provide a number of solutions that can work with existing technology for implementation as well as new technology. Each has a specific macroeconomic point they are attempting to remedy as a part of the larger economic picture, and I have briefly identified which. Additionally, none of these are meant to be “unfun”. Even the banking function below is meant to build community and competition.
• Proposal 1: Weekend tax free request baskets
o Details: Every weekend, request baskets would operate without taxes applied. No limit on amount of money or goods processed.
o Economic goal: Supply-side stimulus focusing on monetary velocity and increasing inflation.
• Proposal 2: Daily “Consumer Hour” on a planet in each time zone
o Details: Every day, a planet in each time zone (with a predetermined consumer hour) gets the entire planet’s shop stands set to tax free. No limit on money or goods processed in this time.
o Economic Goal: Demand-side stimulus, again focusing on monetary velocity and increasing inflation.
• Proposal 3: Shrine Quests
o Details: The Shrine Guardian (?) offers 10 quests per day per character. These quests can be “give me 3 titanium forged slingbows” or “go to planet x and explore 2 regions”. Ideally, they would offer “easy, medium and hard” quests and the option to get a new one for cubits (new revenue stream). These quests would consume goods from players, provide compensation for effort (exploration, construction, crafting, combat, etc) and potentially group content (defeat big monster at this place).
o Economic Goal: Demand-side “government” stimulus and consumption, secondary stream of currency and/or goods.
• Proposal 4: Planetary Bank
o Details: Getting bolder! The planetary bank can be placed by the viceroy on the planetary capital. The bank offers a 2% discount in all shops in that settlement. Now each city has a reason to be the best – there is money on the line! The bank is a single block that can be placed anywhere in the settlement that makes the entire settlement eligible to place the “ATM” block. The ATM block allows all users to access banking features including: Putting money into savings, extracting money from savings, getting a loan, paying back a loan.
Loans are processed between the in-game “bank” and the player, no other player interaction exists. The loan availability and interest rates are determined based on the volume of money in the bank on the planet, and the number of loans out. If the bank has 1m coin in assets, and 900k in loans outstanding, the next loan for 100k is going to have insane interest. Whereas a bank with 100m in assets will be practically giving money away. As users pay their interest, those who put their money into “savings” will receive a weekly payout based on who had money on their characters to pay their interest payments. No need to go to the teller to “pay a bill”. This will allow new players to immediately participate in the market. Worried they are going to get in too deep? No worries! Lock it behind a level threshold before they can access it and cap the amount that can be asked for until you hit 30/40/50.
o Economic Goal: Demand-side stimulus, availability of money for capital goods, investment and real estate. True banking platform for overall economy.
• Proposal 5: Inactive Footfall Tax
o Details: Inactive players with fueled beacons will have their footfall taxed at 100% each week. That money is then distributed to all characters with the lowest coin holders getting the most, and the largest coin holders getting the least on a sliding scale. Inactive players are those with fueled beacons, who have not paid for gleam club and who have not logged in for 2 weeks or more.
o Economic Goal: Increased monetary supply, welfare stimulus for poorest players
Thank you for taking the time to read! Please comment, discuss and debate!