Boundless featured on PlayStation blogs and YouTube channels

The latest Boundless trailer and update have been included in blogs posts on the official PlayStation and PlayStation EU blogs, see them here:

Feel free to Like them, comment and help support Boundless! :pray:


Just scrolling through the feedback in the posts. Seems to be quite sperb positive. Funny that many people see it as a better NMS ^^ … Congratz to this good development :wink:


Unfortunately (or Fortunately?), Boundless has to deal with critics saying it’s a minecraft clone and now a NMS clone (and even Minecraft+NMS too). :grin:
It’s good though that majority of the feedback are positiive! :slight_smile:

I read the both blog entries and feel like some features are missed to “highlight”.

The spotlight of course is on the connected worlds and creations by players.

If those article shall introduce Boundless as a game coming first quarter of 2017 (right?) then where are the other aspects:

  • group challenges: titans
  • exploring worlds and finding sacred temples and maybe hidden receipts, treasures…
  • an own language with own hyroglyphs to learn: Oort
  • ability to protect your creations by the beacon concept (I don’t know if this is clear to every reader if you talk about “claim”. Sounds more like i can occupy a space, but that I can safe it from destruction of vandalism?)
  • be individual: lots of wearables, your own symbol, progression variations

The spotlight for me at the moment is too much on what gamers can create and less on what you (devs) created (which are beautiful far landscape, giant worlds with endless caves, forests, moutain sides, planes and oceans to discover; threats that can appear behind every corner, endless variety of receipts to explore and collect, temples, titans… so on).

At the moment it feels like the blog entries just reflect the current state of developement, but by far not what is the final game about (was that the intention?).

Well, I just tried to look for features, mentioned while the developing phase, and not really considered.
Personal highlights to me partwise… and I tried to understand what you intended to do. Just tease with a slight extract of what the game will be capable of or an comprehensive summary of what the game will be?