that’s a lot of hearts Lovestruck vibes already?
was plasure watching new episodes as always
i know i was damn lazy lately (lately? wait, i was longer),
ima kinda missing seeing my name in your vids, defo i need to get back on track
I keep an eye on you When you suddenly find yourself in a vid you’ll know you had a stalker
Must be an episode cooking?
It would land just as the Valentine Building competition is being voted on. Decided to wait for it to include it in the episode.
There was lots of death involved making the opera house lots and lots. And not just by me
Omg. So people were hurt making it
@boundmore and @MrsStar soooo who benefited from the life insurance
Basics of detective work.
Follow the money @DaOne82
Well @boundmore died in the bounce house and he signed to death waiver. He did not die in the opera house. SOoOOoo…
Best solution I can come up with @boundmore and @MrsStar… I can do the honors of collecting all those life insurance claims
Please don’t tell me that’s your irl job
Great video @boundmore! Good to see you have stuck with making them.
Is there a new episode in the works @boundmore?
I have some bits prepared but didn’t have time to put it together in a sense-making whole.
I was busy at work for the St. Patrick’s (17th of March) and Easter and away for over a week in between.
Won’t make any promises when I will sit down to the next episode as I am about to start 11-day work slog
No rush! Just wanted to make sure you hadn’t given up!
Still alive and kicking
And willing As long as there is audience. I appreciate your (and everyone else’s) kind interest