Boundless Information Station

Thank you Thank you Thank you for putting the color finder back.


I’m honestly quite surprised I didn’t have a disclaimer there to begin with. There’s one there now though, so hopefully that helps people realise it might be giving them wrong info sometimes and that it’s unavoidable at this stage.


I’m glad you like. Despite the fact I have never once mixed paint or grown/mutated goo, it was probably my favourite part of the site to create :grin:
If anything, seeing how it all works under the hood scared me even further away from it.
Just glad I could make paints and goo that little bit more accessible to everyone.


Thank u so much =p I think we all knew and accepted that the planets color updating, not being updated on your website, was never the fault of your side of your website.
If Boundless had auto scan tool that was cross platform available when a person finalized colors in the world control beacon… You would never have to do any disclaimer at all.

Maybee planet color scanning should automatically happen when you hit “finalize colors”. Im not sure where that would be stored. ( seems to be something that was missed when sovereigns were released)


Yeah, I wish. Perhaps our new overlords… err, the new owners/developers, will give us access to the data directly one day. Can only dream.


If it’s not clear, this data isn’t part of the API, nor released by Wonderstruck at all.

There’s a hack uhh mod where you perform a ‘man in the middle attack’ on your wonderstruck account, and a tool that will then read the data as the world server sends it to your client, which happens when you visit the world.

Having third party tools depends on players who are willing to do this, for several things. AFAIK the only officially provided API is used to scan shop stands, and like 3 - 4 players have keys.

The rest of the data circulating comes from querying various servers directly (where allowed) or using the method described above.


Even if it was a once daily scan would be great.

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How does one scan a planet?

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Thanks! It would’ve been sorely missed!

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Thank you SO MUCH for this great tool, @DreamEvil.

Adding my name as another who can scan planets for people.


is there a way sov world owners can get the info to you re colour changes? I have a T1 world that will be regularly changing colours, and I’m happy to share updated info, but will need to be walked through the how to do so.

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There are some players who have offered to scan other people’s worlds for them:
@Mystfit, @Soju-VB and @Mallow

It’s also possible to register to be a world scanner yourself:


Thank you, I’ll get hold of one of those and see if they can walk me through getting the info updated when I change things.

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Is there a portal to your t1? I can come scan now.


yes, at Giggleswick on Storis II. You can get to us via GTG (planetary portal comes straight to us, and the portal to Starbug 1 is in that hub) we also have a portal to Gigg from TNT mega hub (second floor) and the Ultima portal to Storis comes to us as well.


Done. Feel free to message me here or on Discord when you need a re-scan.


will do, and thank you


This is awesome seeing everyone want to help others out. Much better than loosing the ability to search colors with already…

community proven exceptional website tool. WOO! everyone gets a cookie


If you aren’t keen on posting on the forums…or if you don’t have a portal-Charoite-on the sov wall. Pop through the portal and you’ll see ahead of you and a bit to your right, a request basket (do tell me if I set it up wrong) to drop off a token. Title the token with your planet name and where it orbits and I’ll come scan it.