Boundless Multiverse

am i the only one not being bothered?

YOLO , will see how it goes meh


Like with every other update.

“Farming is useless and will ruin the game, no one will explore again! Worst update ever!”

“Shop scanner will ruin the game, worst update ever”

“Sovereigns will ruin the game, no one wants to buy a planet! Worst update ever!”


thank you , amen :pray:


Offline single play is totally a good feature, there are always people who love to play it alone.
Well at least I could start up and play the game when the Dev decide to pull the plug out.

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Sure, people can/do get carried away. Emojis will ruin everything! But in this case, most don’t seem to be against this update being made, it’s more the lack of other content.

The last big updates have been something like local creative mode, then plot reservations, then plot compactness, then sovereigns… with some event stuff. Hardly any permanent new items, new systems like fishing or ocean creatures or combat updates, titans, or whatever else. I think it’s fair (and hardly whining, depending how they ask) for people to want some of that to be the focus for awhile.

*The event stuff has been good, of course. The dances are cool. Emojis ended up being a nice addition, I don’t want to dismiss the work put in to all that.

Anyway, sounds like Ross is working on something big that hopefully ends up released alongside the multiverse update, which I’m sure many will appreciate.


I finally voice my opinion here instead of steam. I really hate official forums…

I feel like this is just you guys trying to get away from hosting.

Slowly but surely giving options for soveriegns…then probably able to move this to a private server of some kind…

Tin foil hat maybe but this will trim out even more of the community.

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Vanilla minecraft players dont like modded servers…
Modded minecraft players dont like vanilla servers…

Private emulator server MMO players dont like the rules on live which is why they leave, those players arent going to go back there because those rules aren’t going to change…

I highly doubt this game will be any different.


100% agreed. This future update just ticks a lot of boxes whether people realize it or not. It may not seem like content but honestly I think this is going to be one of the biggest content updates ever, given what people will end up being able to do.

Boundless never had any options so there was nothing to want besides what there is.

You can’t want something if you don’t know it exists.

Adding this is good for their bank and for the people who don’t want to be in what exists now. Great for them i guess…

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Ah, so you agree that it will help fund the game, and is good for everyone. Good!

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We shall see. I’m more interested in actual content.


Sure, me too. This announcement has nothing for me, but fortunately it is intended to come out alongside an actual content update of some kind, though I wish we knew more than “hopefully as big as the farming update”.


Iv’e known about the local sandbox since the day it was on the test branch.

Literally every MMO out there worth anything has a community emulator for it.

Thats the reason why im still able to play starwars galaxies and thankfully the community emulator server i play has the xp rates turned up to 5x what it was on live.

Everyone that has ever played on a MMO has at some point said to themselves “man i wish i could run this with my own rules”…


I’m all for it. Priorities however imo should be development of live and what they already have. Us. The title is boundless multiverse not the content…

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Keep pumping out exo planets . That’s will take attention away from a potentially awesome update.:grin::grin::grin:


In my opinion this update is taking more away from the mmo aspect of the game. This game doesn’t have a huge player base. I enjoy the mmo aspect and meeting new people.

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Good thing we the community aren’t the ones developing the game, we would never push an update because we always have complaints. I trust the developers to push updates “they” feel will benefit the game.

I know if I was creating a game that I’m passionate about I wouldn’t concern myself to much about opinions of others because it is my vision that I would want to achieve. The team knows what they are doing and what they want to see this baby grow up to be.

Thanks for still providing updates and events to us.


Just like the sovreign planets, you might be able to have it public for the rest of the universe! :smiley: I’d totally do a pvp universe where you get stuff by killing mobs, make it into stuff, and KILL.

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People who want combat update will be mad with furniture update or new races update.

People who want furniture will be mad with combat and new races.

There is no update that will make people on this forum happy.

Hell even if we get pants at this point, people will be mad anyway :rofl:


Yeah, no. You can’t be mad at pants…