Boundless PvP?

So, me and a friend were talking earlier, and would really love the thought of PvP in Boundless. Maybe not full, everywhere, PvP, but moreso certain PvP zones, or maybe even planets! The combat mechanics are so smooth, I really feel as if it could be a great addition to the game. They could even introduce new weapons for melee combat and stuff. Just a thought :man_shrugging: would love to hear everyone else’s take on this!

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Welcome to the forums. They aren’t exactly the easiest to look up old posts, but this is one of those that pop up about once a month. If you search pvp and sort by latest topic, you will get a bunch of them. It usually turns into a pretty heated subject lol.


We haven’t had a good “wipe” topic appear lately though. Just saying :crazy_face:


“Be careful what you wish for.”

Be careful what you wish for

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those topics are always so spicy!

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They always start out with:
The world

And end up:


I mean it’s already kinda happening for alot of people. I wonder how many reclaims have started since the announcement of private type planets.

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Omg I didn’t mean to start anything, was just curious! :joy: I’m so sorry!


Don’t worry, you haven’t started anything. Those other threads are much, much more heated than this lol.

Edit: I will say this to stay on topic a bit. I have given my two cents on this many times. I have said that if it does arrive, it has to be done right. Minigame zones that cannot be exploited by builders or trolls, etc.

I am staunchly against open world PvP though, primarily due to seeing that only leading to issues, like luring and bullying.


PvP irl incoming!

I like the idea of PvP in all MMOs however I do not see how it could be worked into boundless. Would you receive something for slaying another player? If so, what? Is it for fun only, maybe a duel system where they have to accept a challenge invite.

Possibly if they added high tier worlds where PvP is enabled, and ALL of the player’s inventory was dropped? It would make for interesting resource gathering. Make those planets bountiful in items that are a drag to grind, such as leaves and beans. You just need to make players woefully aware of the consequences of entering those planets.Edit: this would make the rich richer, so maybe have those worlds instanced or allow no items on entry and give everyone the same gear upon entry only letting them remove resources when they leave? Again, only idea flowing from my simple mind, not suggestions. How would you introduce PvP into the game so that only those who want to participate can do so without changing the current meta of the game?

10 Characters

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PvP is the new “improved glass” topic. To be fair, we DID get improved glass…


And improved glass turned out just fine!

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I’ve chimed in on every pvp post, so I’ll say my piece:
Pvp beacons would work wonders for the game later down the line :ok_hand:


when PvP is mentioned many people imagine a horde of 10 year olds carrying explosives and severe anger issues (a sight both sad and hilarious) on their merry way to destroy all that is good in the world.
but something like manually joining a match of laser tag style mini game, or any similar mechanics, could in my humble opinion only improve the overall experience without taking anything from anyone who does not wish to take part


Run! get outta here. you cant say such words!

Here is your pvp for now.

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With a recipe that doesn’t make any logical sense.

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You’ve never tried shoving a light bulb into your window to remove the streaks? It works wonders!


Come now, I know you’re not THAT new to Boundless! None of this makes sense!

We are rock goblins on torrid worlds who store metric tons of materials in our diaper while hoping between planets with wooden sticks we procure from thin air. Using a little crystal to make glass is not that big of a hang-up. :wink:

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