Yes, I’m all in for an in-game method of doing the same. Show all the data so finding things to buy or sell becomes easier. Our trading tools in-game are in the stone age era but we’re capable of instantaneous interstellar travel, can bring the dead back alive, live satellite maps of resource distribution on planets, live communications to other oortians anywhere in the galaxy and alchemy blacksmithing. But we haven’t figured out how to make an ebay? How’s that possible
It can even be just making live price info available to the players as an API, if developing such a tool in-game is too big for them atm.
They probably have their reasons, can’t really say more from over here.
edit: And all of the above is only speculation and a lot of assumptions on my part, I do not know what the database, scanner or website and all the layers in between look like. These guys have better theories now that I’ve thought about it more.
At the end of the day, this is a fan made piece of work. It could cease work/updating tomorrow. If it’s so critical to gameplay someone more active could create a new tool or Wonderstruck could implement something in game. It’s not widely used at all, just by the amount of baskets I run across that aren’t uploaded in to the database. It honestly ‘appears’ to be a smallish group that routinely use and update it.
For the most part I think it’s only ps members that run it. And they only really actively scan shops connected to their portal network. Also since I believe it bypasses some security stuff there will people who won’t run it. I know I wouldn’t run it if I had boundless on my pc for the security reason alone. Oh plus the game doesn’t run as well while running the program.
Yea even before the subcoin change a tiny fraction of baskets were on there. I’m not a big fan of it personally. Malls are easier to deal with(personally)
I guess, if you count the doubling up on our gateway scans. If people are signed up with their shop on the site and have directions, they are signed up for a scan regardless of network connections
Site was never down afaik just contains out of date data and has no knowledge of any new items from the farming update and still hasn’t been updated since we got partial coin prices in the game.
If you go to it says site discontinued. The trade site showed the same thing for a while, at least for me it did. Maybe I was just unlucky.
Never did for me. Then again I’ve not really been using it lately since they do not scan shop stands and baskets anymore and the data that is there is several weeks old.