With the help of the tremendously talented @Simoyd and his now publicly available Scanning Client (💵 Shop Stand/Basket Scanner for BoundlessTrade.net - #4 by FireAngelDth), Boundless Trade Network buy and sell orders are now populated by a fully automated process by the community. In fact users can no longer create manual buy and sell orders.
The site features the ability to search for items and review the last captured buy and sell prices as well as the location where you can find the shop stand or request basket.
The item pages also feature a crafting calculator function to help you visualize volumes needed to craft items
Although it is 100% optional, I encourage shop owners to register on the site, and add their shops so that buy/sell orders in the vicinity of your shop are linked to it. I will be working on a way to link shops to hubs and networks (and guilds) in the very near future.
There is still a good deal of work to be done on the web site end, but it is currently in a working state. That said there may still be problems. If you encounter any issues with the website please reach out to me directly via a PM here or via discord (Fuzzy#1000).
Boundless Trade Network is provided to the community as a service from members of the community. I know there has been some debate over how helpful/harmful this will be to the economy recently. I’m not posting this here, nor is this post the proper place to debate the finer points. This is an announcement thread, not a request for opinions regarding impact of this service.
I will say that the decisions guiding the creation of this service were with the intent to be as fair and transparent to everyone within the bounds we’re able to. We believe that transparent pricing will benefit the broad majority of people who participate in the market, and the location information will increase activity in the market. Hopefully these two things are true!
Good luck. No longer a shop owner n only buy directly from people I know now. Hope people don’t run into too many problems that lag their PCs or crash their game
So, when I click the button for manual hosts file configuration, it plays a scrolling animation as if going to the next step, but then ends up at the same screen asking for automatic or manual configuration.
(I have hosts file modifications that I want to preserve, and wasn’t sure if it would try to preserve them. I have the file backed up, so I’ll just try automatic and see what happens…)
That’s not necessarily the case. We considered this and the website allows you to request your shop to be scanned. We are doing what we can to be fair and looking out for the off hub and PS players
Yeah, like the last week when my shop wasn’t listed for 5 days, you request a scan and over 24 hours later finally someone does it, works perfectly fine for PS4 players, uh huh!