Lake - adv. coils starting at 990!

There were fifty stands, ovis, fifty!:wink:

Gz on the oort shards!

Well done! Now you can get back to making an alt :slight_smile:


ooo nice! my main just got to level 50!
I’ve been saving my rewards, i had 14 saved up :smiley:
time to spend all my coin again!

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Gz on lvl 50! (about time!! :grin:)

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I would have found more, but my grapple broke. I think I kept going up the wrong way on just about everything. Seeing all the different stuff was pretty cool, the rocket was really cool.

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I’m as embarrassed as you think I am, that I didn’t find a single one. :joy:

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Still finding the odd stand with stuff on them… Nothing fancy though… Some iron weapons, lanterns etc.
I know some peeps are nice and don’t always take stuff they don’t need.

Also, have lowered Coil prices to keep up with current trends and have plenty of all types in stock.

Still too expensive? Then you can check for best prices and stock levels on the Boundless trade network


I love how you took over the forge market by storm with your cheap + volume standards. Really made the game open up for a lot of folks who had been holding off buying coils for such a long time.

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Makes me feel like I need to up my coil prices a bit.

Your coil prices are the cheapest by far.

And still nobody wants to pay the price lol.

Really? When I went the other day you were all sold out! I’ve since gotten my complete set of coils so now I’m not in need as much. Until I try to set a second up at my first big build.

The first few sold really quickly, then I started crafting in bulk and nobody has bought any lol.

Hmm. Well, I’d just recommend leaving them there for a moment. Maybe it’s simply because the amount of players that are playing now haven’t made it to needing coils or already finished them.

Demand has been dropping off for a while as the player base gets to a point where they either have enough, can make their own and also make enough to start selling coils themselves.
a new influx of players would help :slight_smile:

I got a few, since I wasn’t playing much lately and was behind with resources and still want more machines with full set up.
Great price, thanks a lot!!:sunglasses::heart_eyes:

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Reduced again :slight_smile: now from 1500

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Oh my o.o That’s so cheap. How are you making profit on the centraforge and mixer ones?!

If you mine all the resources, it’s 100% profit.

I’ll concede. Well, 100% profit if you don’t buy your hammers either haha.

True, but some hammers aren’t that expensive.