Calm down and stop freaking out. I scanned your stores mere hours ago. Plenty of people will be running the scanner. Your shops are popular and will in all likelihood get updated frequently from people doing their regular shopping. You also keep your shops maintained, so it’s unlikely that day old data would be a problem for you anyway.
I know I will be alright, but am not just ‘freaking out’ because of my own shops. Plenty of people out there who might have way more reason to ‘freak out’ over this.
And thank you, yes, I do my best, I can’t stand the sight of empty shop stands so I will always take care of that ASAP! Usually I do have a few backup items in storage for just these occasions but lately those seem to sell before I can actually make new ones
While looking at my new shop entry for the Request Dimension mall, I notice that the display-stalls that I’ve set to be sold at 1000000, so they stay there even if the glass is removed, makes the shop page a bit unreadable. Would it be possible to get a filter there to switch between only buy or sell orders?
yes but it’s low priority right now
Yeah just asking if you’re taking feedback and improving it over time
What about PS4 player data?
From the other post:
Useful tool.
My advanced coils sales have slowed down recently so had a quick look on the BTN and found quite a few peeps selling cheaper than me.
I’ve lowered prices (Lake, sochaltin I ) , installed the scanner (very straightforward!), ran through my shop and my new prices showed up very quickly.
Haven’t used to go out buying yet but searching the BTN will certainly be my first stop when I do.
Is there/will there be a way to report people abusing the system?
For example, scanning an inaccessible stand or basket, or scanning and then immediately removing stand/basket or items/coins?
Will you be able to block the scanner on repeat offenders?
I’ll links this on the other thread about the scanner as well.
I know any system is open to abuse by those so inclined (and with a bit of ingenuity) but just wondered what the plans were, if any, to minimise?
Yes. You will be able to block orders that are like this. The button is there, but it doesn’t do anything yet.
I have to consider a few things about how this will work before I activate the button.
there’s an option to block specific shop stands which is being worked on, but they could just move it 1 block.
Something I’m thinking of is also for users to be able to add coordinates to a “boycott warning” list that only they themselves could see (so people can’t add them for others), then you’d see it maybe in the nearby shop list so that you can refrain from giving the abusers footfall in the future.
Again the only real positive affect of this abuse is to get footfall (which is trivial). Ultimately if someone does this in their shop, they will lose customers.
If you see occurrences of what you think is abuse, let us know about it here for now and we can handle it on a case-by-case basis. As we identify patterns with the abuse we can improve things. Honestly I think people will mess with it to start but I don’t think it’ll be a problem long-term.
Thanks for the replies.
Yeah, I saw the ignore part, which is good for blocking so I don’t see it.
But was hoping there was a way to warn others, or for admin to give the offender a warning or some such.
Both because I’d wouldn’t like my fellow citizens to run however far just to be disappointed, and I’d like to deny the cheeky fu… any extra footfall, no matter how little it may be!
(I may be being a cynical old git, but there will be those that get off on just knowing they’ve wasted someone else’s time!)
I don’t know the complexities of creating these systems, but good to see that it’s something that you are thinking about at least.
Maybe we can have some kind of “standard” boycott warning list managed by us that would just be default off to everyone. You can do into the your account and enable it, and we’d try to keep it up to date.
Again I"m not too concerned about adding this unless we see a significant amount of abuse a significant time after we started.
Discussing instances of abuse here is ideal until we start seeing a lot of it. then we can change our approach if needed.
Be careful to discuss the “how” of the abuse and not the “who” or “where” in this thread.
While they were testing, and now (from as far as I know) my main store was not listed nor any of my request baskets/shopstands in either beckon or sochaltin I. This had absolutely no effect on my foot fall, and I continued to sell things at the normal rate (if not more items, likely from general increase in people shopping). I honestly don’t think it will be determinatal to have a service like this.
Anyway, back on topic. Great to hear the site is officially released, and the client is available to the public. Hopefully I can get all that setup sometime this week and I can start scanning shops myself
My ff dropped significantly. And I was never expensive. For example I was selling gold n silver at 23c which is under cutting a lot of people. Dunno if people just stopped shopping where I was located at in the gmall since it wasn’t the main corridors or if I pissed the right person off and they bad mouthed me. But i guess that no longer matters since I closed up shop.
Loving the site! Have a feature request for a filter: a way to filter out any buy/sell orders under a certain quantity. Not just from the individual item listings but also from the front page for items I’m following. For example if I’m following iron ore, I would like to exclude prices from listings with less than 300 (e.g.) in stock. I view these listings as outliers. The median avg does a good job of excluding them already but they still register as the “max” and “min” for the item.
the discord bot has this. You can specify !pricecheck 300 iron ore
. Maybe @fuzzylkd can add something similar to the site, but it’s probably low priority.
Been using it to price check, even though I’m on PS4 so can’t use it for my own store, still is quite useful, thanks. But related to something mentioned earlier in the thread, but it was a little frustrating using it to find request baskets. I haven’t been selling much coal lately for some reason so figured I’d try to find some buyers with it. I didn’t look for best price, I sorted by amount they’re buying. Randomly picked a few of the top ones and nope, inaccessible in each case.
So a safe bet that any really good prices on the selling that don’t sell quickly are also blocked off for friends and guildmates. Blocking specific blocks that these are on seems fair - I don’t begrudge them selling and buying to buddies, as I’d like to give my friends a discount myself, but just not have it be picked up on this.