Boundless Universal Trade Tracker [BUTT] 2.0

Ctrl F5 only works for getting the latest files, the price data doesn’t come from a file so no effect on that :slight_smile:

There’s a couple more planets which broke and aren’t updated atm. The devs have a fix for it in the next server update :slight_smile:


@Mayumichi Is it technically possible for colour searches to work?

Not that I’m asking for you to include that, as I assume it’s not straightforward (or you would have done it already!).

I just wondered if the information was there to allow it to happen, so that maybe, at some point, it would :crossed_fingers:

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The API doesn’t give any color data, so no :frowning: They’ve said it’s theoretically supported, hopefully some day they’ll make an in-game color search and release it to the API too. I think they said they don’t want to enable it before the game client has the same functionality, since it would give a real advantage for people aware of the 3rd party tools.


I’m so happy you’re back

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The list of bugged planets keeps growing, here’s a list of the ones not updating until the server fix is deployed.



We could restart the worlds - which would temporarily kick everyone.

I wanted to release the fixes this morning but some key people are out of the office so it was delayed to next week.




It’s not that urgent I think, but if others disagree I won’t complain about a restart :sweat_smile:

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really liking the new page, however would like to make a feature request if it’s not to much?

I think it would be really cool to have the ability to filter the “Item Catalog” based on the search term, dynamically. for example, right now when you search for anything, the Catalog never changes, it’s always all items. with the categories. I personally would find it more usefull if the following happened…

  1. type in search field
  2. instead of filtering a dropdown box to display only matching criteria, if it filtered the results within the “Catalog”
  3. then the user selects from the Catalog displayed item to display the buy/sell results (instead of pressing enter to trigger the item results).

similar to this jquery mobile example, but instead with your item catalog layout, etc.

after writing this up… I realize that a request for a “Search box” specific to the Item Catalog section would also do exactly what i’m refering to, and not impact the function of the current search. so whichever request you want to either apply, or reject… :wink: :wink:

thanks for the website.

I wouldn’t move the whole search to be based around the catalog, but I did think about filter box at some point. But I tried it and if the category names were visible, the usability was bad. It’d have to be a list of items (like the favorites and history), hide the category titles. I just didn’t see the point, how does it differ from the search bar in the end?

I hear ya on the not wanting to change the search feature.
To answer your question, it’s just the process of …

  1. search for item … (example :: Bean)
  2. select bean type you want (example :: spicy beans) (results display)
  3. just would find the Item category to display only the resulting items as being more usefull… then you can simply click through the other 2 bean types without having to re-search again.

Note :: think of this more so on thing with more items… for example, “Hammer” … which returns 16 results being Iron, gold, silver, each of the gem types, etc. I just find it more useful if those displayed as a “resulting item list” from the search results, then having to re-search over again.

Yes, I know you are most likely going to say … "but, you can hide ALL in Catalog >> select Equipment >> select Hammer and get those results … " . .and yea, arguably you are right, and like that feature, but this leads to the aspect that most people just strait to “search” then trying to figure out what category to select, etc.

Either way, I like the page, I just figured you wanted the feedback, and maybe it was something that someone else also wanted?? I dont know… just IMO is all :wink: … I just personally don’t really use the Catalog much because it’s more time consuming, and being able to search within there would greatly help … at least for me.

EDIT :: guess I was just thinking of this Catalog, similar to the in game Knowledge, where yea you can see everything, there is a filter on top, but there is also a search. it works well in game, just thought it would work well here as well :wink:

I’m not saying it’s a bad idea, and feedback is welcome! I just tried it and it wasn’t that useful, since the category names would have to be hidden for it to be usable. Then it’s just the same functionality as the search bar.

I did hit the same problem as you with the search result list being nice to access afterwards, so I tried to make the search bar do it instead. I now realise the keyboard functions might work differently, but you can type “hammer” in the search bar, click one of the results, and click back on the search bar to show the result list again. If it worked the same way for the keyboard, would that kind of solve it?

If not I’ll think about the filter again, I do see some value in it, the “value / implementation time”-ratio just wasn’t high enough so I went the fast route with the search bar.


yea, the item in the search bar is what I have been using, where i type it… select it… view the one I want… then re-select search, and reselect second one ,etc… again, it was just more of a “nice to have” then a “need to have” :slight_smile:

Just another thought, based on our little white board conversation there :slight_smile: … right now you are capturing the selected item, and displaying that on the top left. could always expand on that to display all partially matching items… with the 1 item currently showing the results, as the first one… with the added features… (kind of thinking Amazon here… where you scroll down to the bottom of an item selected… and it shows you the item… then next to that shows you similar items … just thinking yours could show the partial matches instead ) … just don’t know how it would play with mobile friendly and all… and like you said time to implement vs usefulness … all my ideas, they are more of the “if this would be quick, would like to have” feature is all…

I don’t see a problem if a 3rd party tool works better than the in-game search. We need the search by color

I guess what I’m really asking is: what’s the thing that you’re trying to solve? The worst thing is adding a feature but not understanding the real issue, so the solution I come up with might not even fix the issue :smiley:


Yeah feel free to kick everyone, I need my BUTT fix.


umm… hmm, what is the issue? well I do have to click 1 extra time on the search box …that’s an issue, right? lol! :slight_smile: … but seriously, it wasn’t really a report of an issue, it was more of a would like to have feature … and when I see the Catalog, which I never seem to use it because i go strait for search, but just think to myself… “hmm, i would so use that feature, if it had this 1 extra feature of a search filter” . .that’s really all.

So wrong, so true… but so wrong :wink:

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Kick em all!

The side bar didn’t always dock and stay visible (it still doesn’t on smaller screens), so the search was designed to be the primary way of looking for items (1 less click/tap). I agree that on wide screens the filter would remove 1 extra click, I might squeeze it in at some point, but the catalog was initially meant as an alternative way of exploring the items and not replace the search, so it’s a low priority. :sweat_smile:

It sounds simple enough to implement properly (what I had in the tests was a hack), but nothing is simple in the end and fixing all the edge cases takes a surprisingly long time, I’d rather use it on new features atm :slight_smile:

To clarify: I’m not shooting the idea down or saying stuff like this shouldn’t be asked, no other way of getting me to think about it and maybe implementing it in the end :slight_smile:


fully understood and agree. as a solutions expert by trade, but get where you are coming from and I know none of it is easy unless it’s designed to do what is asked from the beginning. I just wasn’t sure what all you had in place seeing as you had the ability to hide/show icons, and do a semi filter … and as you said, you tried it and it didn’t work well… (so you kind of allready thought it out) … my ideas was … in case you didn’t think of it, maybe it was something overlooked or simple to add… no hard feelings, and again… fully get where you are coming from.

keep up the good work man. saves others from having to spend the time doing the same thing and really help the gaming community.

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