Boundless Wiki

I couldnā€™t find any information about that. Thereā€™s just user settings, scripts used to run npcs in the trailer and values for world gen in the world edit.

One thing I do know, is that creatures are currently set to spawn at a rate of 7 creatures to 1 player entity - this could change though as more fine tuning is carried out;

1 Like

This is most likely info you need about distance at which creatures get aggressive etc.

D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Boundless\assets\archetypes\aiarchetypes.json formatted:

		"testTarget": {
			"race": 7,
			"targetRange": 15,
			"targetBreakRange": 20,
			"states": [{
				"id": 1,
				"next": 1,
				"transitions": []
		"wildstock": {
			"race": 0,
			"targetRange": 6,
			"targetBreakRange": 30,
			"wanderToPlayerWeighting": 0.4,
			"wanderToPlayerMinDistance": 10,
			"deadState": {
				"id": 35,
				"timeUntilDropsAvailable": 0.5
			"states": [{
				"id": 2,
				"transitions": [17, 3],
				"wanderTime": 2,
				"waitTime": 6,
				"disableJumping": false,
				"effects": ["livestock_breathe", "livestock_call"]
			}, {
				"id": 3,
				"next": 2,
				"transitions": [17, 10, 2]
			}, {
				"id": 10,
				"next": 13,
				"transitions": [17],
				"chargeRange": 7,
				"prepareTime": 1,
				"effect": "livestock_attack"
			}, {
				"id": 13,
				"next": 12,
				"transitions": [17, 14],
				"chargeSpeed": 6,
				"chargeDistance": 11
			}, {
				"id": 14,
				"next": 3,
				"transitions": [17],
				"meleeRange": 3.75,
				"startupTime": 0.2,
				"recoveryTime": 2,
				"damageStruct": {
					"knockBack": 10,
					"knockUp": 10
			}, {
				"id": 12,
				"next": 3,
				"transitions": [17],
				"recoveryTime": 2
			}, {
				"id": 16,
				"next": 3,
				"transitions": [17, 16],
				"highHealthTime": 0.866,
				"lowHealthTime": 1.033,
				"highHealthEffect": "livestock_spotted_target",
				"lowHealthEffect": "livestock_pain"
			}, {
				"id": 17,
				"next": 3
		"wildstockAttack": {
			"race": 0,
			"targetRange": 15,
			"targetBreakRange": 20,
			"strafeToFaceTarget": false,
			"wanderToPlayerWeighting": 1,
			"states": [{
				"id": 25,
				"next": 25,
				"transitions": [],
				"sequence": [{
					"creatureActionState": "CHARGE_ATTACK_RECOVER",
					"count": 100
		"wildstockIdle": {
			"race": 0,
			"targetRange": 15,
			"targetBreakRange": 20,
			"strafeToFaceTarget": false,
			"wanderToPlayerWeighting": 1,
			"states": [{
				"id": 25,
				"next": 25,
				"transitions": [],
				"sequence": [{
					"creatureActionState": "IDLE",
					"count": 100
		"wildstockGraze": {
			"race": 0,
			"targetRange": 15,
			"targetBreakRange": 20,
			"strafeToFaceTarget": false,
			"wanderToPlayerWeighting": 1,
			"states": [{
				"id": 25,
				"next": 25,
				"transitions": [],
				"sequence": [{
					"creatureActionState": "MELEE_ATTACK",
					"count": 100
		"wildstockCall": {
			"race": 0,
			"targetRange": 15,
			"targetBreakRange": 20,
			"strafeToFaceTarget": true,
			"wanderToPlayerWeighting": 1,
			"states": [{
				"id": 25,
				"next": 25,
				"transitions": [],
				"sequence": [{
					"creatureActionState": "MELEE_ATTACK",
					"count": 5
				}, {
					"creatureActionState": "TEST_ANIMATION_2"
		"wildstockServerAnimationTest": {
			"race": 0,
			"targetRange": 6,
			"targetBreakRange": 10,
			"states": [{
				"id": 25,
				"next": 23,
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				"sequence": [{
					"creatureActionState": "TEST_ANIMATION_1"
			}, {
				"id": 23,
				"next": 25,
				"transitions": [],
				"pauseBeforeReset": 1,
				"pauseAfterReset": 1
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			"race": 2,
			"targetRange": 40,
			"targetBreakRange": 45,
			"states": [{
				"id": 2,
				"transitions": [17, 7],
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				"waitTime": 6,
				"disableJumping": false
			}, {
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				"secondsBeforeFastFlee": 1.5
			}, {
				"id": 22,
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				"running": true
			}, {
				"id": 16,
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				"lowHealthTime": 1.033
			}, {
				"id": 17,
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			"targetBreakRange": 30,
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				"id": 2,
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			}, {
				"id": 7,
				"next": 22,
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				"fastFleeSpeed": 18
			}, {
				"id": 22,
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			}, {
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				"lowHealthTime": 1.033
			}, {
				"id": 17,
				"next": 7
		"hopper": {
			"race": 3,
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			"targetBreakRange": 20,
			"wanderToPlayerWeighting": 0.4,
			"wanderToPlayerMinDistance": 12,
			"states": [{
				"id": 26,
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				"waitTimeMax": 7,
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				"maxJumps": 12
			}, {
				"name": "HidePassive",
				"id": 29,
				"transitions": [],
				"next": 26,
				"hideHealthScale": 0.2,
				"hostile": false
			}, {
				"name": "HideHostile",
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				"hideHealthScale": 0.2,
				"hostile": true
			}, {
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				"next": 28
			}, {
				"id": 28,
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				"waitTimeMax": 0.5,
				"pauseTime": 0.1,
				"maxJumps": 5,
				"hostileEffect": "hopper_steam",
				"explodeEffect": "explosion_default_hit",
				"explodeTriggerDistance": 2.5,
				"explodeReachY": 1.7
		"hopperHop": {
			"race": 3,
			"targetRange": 0.5,
			"targetBreakRange": 20,
			"wanderToPlayerWeighting": 0.4,
			"wanderToPlayerMinDistance": 12,
			"states": [{
				"id": 29,
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				"hostile": false
			}, {
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				"waitTimeMax": 7,
				"pauseTime": 1,
				"maxJumps": 3
			}, {
				"id": 27,
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				"next": 28
			}, {
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				"waitTimeMax": 0.5,
				"pauseTime": 0.1,
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				"explodeEffect": "explosion_default_hit",
				"explodeTriggerDistance": 2.5,
				"explodeReachY": 1.7
		"hopperIdle": {
			"race": 3,
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			"targetBreakRange": 20,
			"wanderToPlayerWeighting": 0.4,
			"wanderToPlayerMinDistance": 12,
			"states": [{
				"id": 25,
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				"transitions": [],
				"sequence": [{
					"creatureActionState": "IDLE"
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			"strafeToFaceTarget": true,
			"wanderToPlayerWeighting": 1,
			"states": [{
				"id": 2,
				"transitions": [17, 3, 19],
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				"waitTime": 6,
				"running": true,
				"steering": true,
				"disableJumping": false
			}, {
				"id": 3,
				"next": 2,
				"transitions": [17, 4, 2]
			}, {
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				"transitions": [17, 8, 2],
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				"maxRange": 9.5
			}, {
				"id": 8,
				"next": 5,
				"transitions": [17],
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				"projectileSpeed": 20,
				"startupTime": 0.2,
				"recoveryTime": 1
			}, {
				"id": 5,
				"next": 6,
				"transitions": [17],
				"dodgeTime": 1,
				"dodgeSpeed": 2.5
			}, {
				"id": 6,
				"next": 3,
				"transitions": [17],
				"recoveryTime": 1
			}, {
				"id": 19,
				"next": 20,
				"transitions": [17],
				"startupTime": 1.6
			}, {
				"id": 20,
				"next": 21,
				"transitions": [17],
				"reloadTime": 2.033
			}, {
				"id": 21,
				"next": 3,
				"transitions": [17],
				"recoveryTime": 0.6
			}, {
				"id": 16,
				"next": 3,
				"transitions": [17, 16],
				"highHealthTime": 0.833,
				"lowHealthTime": 2.5
			}, {
				"id": 17,
				"next": 3
		"spitterIdle": {
			"race": 1,
			"targetRange": 15,
			"targetBreakRange": 20,
			"strafeToFaceTarget": false,
			"wanderToPlayerWeighting": 1,
			"states": [{
				"id": 25,
				"next": 25,
				"transitions": [],
				"sequence": [{
					"creatureActionState": "IDLE"
		"spitterIdleBreathe": {
			"race": 1,
			"targetRange": 15,
			"targetBreakRange": 20,
			"strafeToFaceTarget": false,
			"wanderToPlayerWeighting": 1,
			"states": [{
				"id": 25,
				"next": 25,
				"transitions": [],
				"sequence": [{
					"creatureActionState": "TEST_ANIMATION_2"
		"spitterFeed": {
			"race": 1,
			"targetRange": 15,
			"targetBreakRange": 20,
			"strafeToFaceTarget": false,
			"wanderToPlayerWeighting": 1,
			"states": [{
				"id": 25,
				"next": 25,
				"transitions": [],
				"sequence": [{
					"creatureActionState": "RELOAD_IN"
				}, {
					"creatureActionState": "RELOAD_LOOP",
					"count": 5
				}, {
					"creatureActionState": "RELOAD_OUT"
		"cuttletrunk": {
			"race": 6,
			"targetRange": 20,
			"targetBreakRange": 35,
			"strafeToFaceTarget": true,
			"wanderToPlayerWeighting": 0.4,
			"wanderToPlayerMinDistance": 20,
			"deadState": {
				"id": 31
			"states": [{
				"id": 15,
				"next": "Movement"
			}, {
				"name": "StartPullAttack",
				"id": 37,
				"states": [36],
				"next": "PullAttackIn"
			}, {
				"name": "PullAttackIn",
				"id": 25,
				"next": 36,
				"sequence": [{
					"creatureActionState": "DRAG_IN"
			}, {
				"id": 36,
				"next": "PullAttackOut"
			}, {
				"name": "PullAttackOut",
				"id": 25,
				"next": "Combat",
				"sequence": [{
					"creatureActionState": "DRAG_OUT"
			}, {
				"name": "Movement",
				"id": 32,
				"next": 1,
				"transitions": [],
				"selection": [{
					"id": 30,
					"chance": 0.75
				}, {
					"id": 1,
					"chance": 0.25
				"reselectionBias": 0.75
			}, {
				"name": "Combat",
				"id": 32,
				"transitions": [],
				"next": "Movement",
				"selection": [{
					"id": "StartPullAttack",
					"chance": 0.05
				}, {
					"id": 8,
					"chance": 0.25
				}, {
					"id": 5,
					"chance": 0.2
				}, {
					"id": 33,
					"chance": 0.6
				}, {
					"id": 34,
					"chance": 0.3
				"reselectionBias": 0.6
			}, {
				"id": 1,
				"next": "Movement",
				"transitions": ["Combat"],
				"durationMin": 2,
				"durationMax": 5
			}, {
				"id": 30,
				"next": "Movement",
				"transitions": ["Combat"],
				"wanderTimeMin": 1.5,
				"wanderTimeMax": 4.5,
				"running": true,
				"steering": true,
				"targetAltitudeMin": 6,
				"targetAltitudeMax": 9
			}, {
				"id": 3,
				"next": "Movement",
				"transitions": [4, "Movement"],
				"chaseRangeMin": 15,
				"targetAltitude": 6
			}, {
				"id": 4,
				"transitions": ["Combat", 3, "Movement"],
				"next": 3,
				"maxRange": 15
			}, {
				"id": 33,
				"next": "Combat",
				"transitions": [3],
				"targetAltitudeMin": 5,
				"targetAltitudeMax": 7
			}, {
				"id": 34,
				"next": "Combat",
				"transitions": [3],
				"altitude": 6,
				"speed": 16,
				"relativeTo": "position",
				"minFlankAngle": -45,
				"maxFlankAngle": 45,
				"flankDistance": 10,
				"minTimeBetweenFlanks": 6,
				"recoveryTime": 1
			}, {
				"id": 8,
				"next": "Combat",
				"transitions": [],
				"attackRange": 20,
				"projectileSpeed": 20,
				"startupTime": 0.2,
				"recoveryTime": 1
			}, {
				"id": 5,
				"next": 6,
				"transitions": [],
				"dodgeTime": 1,
				"dodgeSpeed": 2.5
			}, {
				"id": 6,
				"next": "Combat",
				"transitions": [3],
				"recoveryTime": 0.5
			}, {
				"id": 16,
				"next": 3,
				"transitions": [16],
				"highHealthTime": 0.833,
				"lowHealthTime": 2.5
		"cuttletrunkDragTest": {
			"race": 6,
			"targetRange": 15,
			"targetBreakRange": 20,
			"strafeToFaceTarget": true,
			"wanderToPlayerWeighting": 1,
			"states": [{
				"id": 15,
				"next": 25
			}, {
				"id": 25,
				"next": 15,
				"transitions": [],
				"sequence": [{
					"creatureActionState": "DRAG_IN"
				}, {
					"creatureActionState": "DRAG_LOOP",
					"count": 10
				}, {
					"creatureActionState": "DRAG_OUT"
		"cuttletrunkIdle": {
			"race": 6,
			"targetRange": 15,
			"targetBreakRange": 20,
			"strafeToFaceTarget": false,
			"wanderToPlayerWeighting": 1,
			"states": [{
				"id": 15,
				"next": 25
			}, {
				"id": 25,
				"next": 15,
				"transitions": [],
				"sequence": [{
					"creatureActionState": "IDLE"
		"cuttletrunkFigureEight": {
			"race": 6,
			"targetRange": 15,
			"targetBreakRange": 20,
			"strafeToFaceTarget": false,
			"wanderToPlayerWeighting": 1,
			"states": [{
				"id": 15,
				"next": 25
			}, {
				"id": 25,
				"next": 15,
				"transitions": [],
				"sequence": [{
					"creatureActionState": "TEST_ANIMATION_1"
		"cuttletrunkMoveForward": {
			"race": 6,
			"targetRange": 15,
			"targetBreakRange": 20,
			"strafeToFaceTarget": false,
			"wanderToPlayerWeighting": 1,
			"states": [{
				"id": 15,
				"next": 25
			}, {
				"id": 25,
				"next": 15,
				"transitions": [],
				"sequence": [{
					"creatureActionState": "TEST_ANIMATION_2"
		"hunter": {
			"race": 5,
			"targetRange": 30,
			"targetBreakRange": 50,
			"wanderToPlayerWeighting": 0.4,
			"wanderToPlayerMinDistance": 10,
			"states": [{
				"id": 3,
				"transitions": [17],
				"next": 3,
				"animRate": 3
			}, {
				"id": 16,
				"next": 3,
				"transitions": [17, 16],
				"highHealthTime": 0.866,
				"lowHealthTime": 1.033,
				"highHealthEffect": "livestock_spotted_target",
				"lowHealthEffect": "livestock_pain"
			}, {
				"id": 17,
				"next": 3
		"hunter_static": {
			"race": 5,
			"states": [{
				"id": 1,
				"next": 1,
				"transitions": [17]
			}, {
				"id": 17,
				"next": 3
		"groundBasher": {
			"race": 4,
			"targetRange": 15,
			"targetBreakRange": 20,
			"strafeToFaceTarget": true,
			"states": [{
				"id": 2,
				"transitions": [17, 3],
				"wanderTime": 2,
				"waitTime": 6,
				"disableJumping": false
			}, {
				"id": 3,
				"next": 2,
				"transitions": [17, 9, 2]
			}, {
				"id": 9,
				"next": 3,
				"meleeRange": 3,
				"damageStruct": {
					"knockBack": 10,
					"knockUp": 10
				"prepareTime": 1.5,
				"recoveryTime": 2
			}, {
				"id": 16,
				"next": 3,
				"transitions": [17, 16],
				"highHealthTime": 0.866,
				"lowHealthTime": 1.033,
				"highHealthEffect": "livestock_spotted_target",
				"lowHealthEffect": "livestock_pain"
			}, {
				"id": 17,
				"next": 3
		"groundBasherStaticMelee": {
			"race": 4,
			"targetRange": 15,
			"targetBreakRange": 20,
			"strafeToFaceTarget": true,
			"states": [{
				"id": 25,
				"next": 1,
				"transitions": [],
				"sequence": [{
					"creatureActionState": "HITSTUN_HIGH_HEALTH"
				}, {
					"creatureActionState": "RAGE"
				}, {
					"creatureActionState": "MELEE_ATTACK"
			}, {
				"id": 1,
				"next": 25,
				"transitions": []
		"groundBasherIdle": {
			"race": 4,
			"targetRange": 15,
			"targetBreakRange": 20,
			"strafeToFaceTarget": false,
			"states": [{
				"id": 25,
				"next": 25,
				"transitions": [],
				"sequence": [{
					"creatureActionState": "IDLE"
		"groundBasherIdleBreathe": {
			"race": 4,
			"targetRange": 15,
			"targetBreakRange": 20,
			"strafeToFaceTarget": false,
			"states": [{
				"id": 25,
				"next": 25,
				"transitions": [],
				"sequence": [{
					"creatureActionState": "TEST_ANIMATION_1"

In other files in same directory there are some spawning configs. Iā€™m not sure if this is actually used in game, but I guess it is since itā€™s still in game directory :smiley:


Started to write which recipe skill gives which items, etc. Will add when ready


Thanks Spoygg. I totally skiped this file

1 Like

Ok, I dont need to work with this anymore. :smile:


Can someone search in the game files for the skill point requirements (or the multiplier) for skills in each tree? Pretty please? :blush:


@Kawwak What exactly do you mean?

So in every tree if you learn a skill the next one will cost more, and Iā€™d like to know how much points will be every next skill to learn (until everything is learned in that tree). I think every tree have a multiplier for it.

So like in the atmosphere protection skill tree the first will cost 10, the second 14, etc, but I dont know how much it will cost if I learn 10 skills from that tree. Ofc I could make the math but thats speculation a bit.

@luke-turbulenz Iā€™d like to enter all recipes to wiki, do you have any suggestions about format before I do so? (easier than to fix later :smiley: )

I was thinking something like this:

Titanium Alloy


To be done.


Machine: Mixer

Handcrafting: No

Basic Crafting Recipes

Output: 1 | 10 | 50

Titanium Bar (crafted)
1 | 8 | 36

Any Base Alloy (group)
2 | 16 | 72

Spark: 360 | 3600 | 18000

Power: 0

Italicized text would be links to other pages.


Is this it?


5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 31, 34, 37, 40, 43, 46, 50

Item Crafting:
10, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 19, 24, 30, 37, 46, 57, 70

Tool Mastery:
5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50

10, 14, 18, 24, 33, 42, 54, 68, 83, 100

Combat Mastery:
5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 26, 28, 31, 34, 37, 40, 43, 47, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 70

5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31, 35, 39, 44, 49, 55, 61, 67, 75, 82, 91, 100

Equipment Crafting:
10, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 19, 24, 30, 37, 46, 57, 70

10, 14, 18, 24, 33, 42, 54, 68, 83, 100

10, 14, 18, 24, 33, 42, 54, 68, 83, 100

10, 14, 18, 24, 33, 42, 54, 68, 83, 100

Rage and Focus:
20, 25, 37, 61, 100


I was taking notes as I leveled up. You saved me the work.


@Spoygg you da besht! :smiley:

But its interesting that most of these you found dont actually shows as much skills as there is in the game. I mean for example: there are 69 skills in the attribute tree, but if you count the ā€˜requirement point for eachā€™ in your post, it shows only until the 50th skill, the 50th requiring 50 points to learn. The question is: I cant learn more than 50 skills in that 69 skill skill-tree, or after the 50th every new skill costs the same 50 points?

And its not only true for the attribute tree, but for exploration (the 10th costs 100 points but there are 15 skills in that tree), combat (30th for 70 but 34 skills), endurance (40th for 100 but 58 skills), equipment crafting (13th for 70 but 15 skills), abilities/survival/atmosphere (10th for 100 but 15 skills), and rage&focus (5th for 100 but 16 skills).

Edit: correct me if I am wrong, but there are 13 skill ā€˜point requirementsā€™ listed by you in the item crafting tree, but there are only 11 skills in the game now, so the 12th (57) and 13th (70) match nothing. They wanted to add 2 more skills here but actually did not, or we are waiting for the 2 clothes/armors craft skills (or something else)? :blush:


Yeah, youā€™re right, thereā€™s no clue about that :smiley: Weā€™ll see, maybe just a leftover from development :slight_smile:

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Iā€™m thinking about the format for recipes on wiki. I think it is a bit tedious to go to one block/tool and then hunt down all the stuff that you need to accomplish it, like clicking on one ingredient and than coming back, than another etc It would be easier if there was info at glance about all the stuff you need.

Something like this (though ingredients should also contain more info like skills required etc, this is just simple overview) (click to see the whole image itā€™s cut off)

@Spoygg I think thouse ā€œiā€ and ā€œoā€ are a little bit confusing. I canā€™t look fast and understant the recepies.

I did something to try fix that, tell me what you think:
(S, B and M would be where single, bulk and mass craft values go)


Yeah, I agree, the main point is that it shows all the steps. We can discuss about whatā€™s the best way to represent details :slight_smile:

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Edit: Solved.

Anyone know that we still need more portal conduits for more hops or we just need the skill?

Iā€™ve been working on the wiki a fair amount today, mostly tagging pages as {{stub}}, {{outdated}}, {{merge}}, etc. I created the outdated category to be used when a page needs updating.

Iā€™ve also been working on making sure links follow a consistent singular naming, rather than plural behaviour.

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