Boundless Wiki

  • Mobs spawn on world surface outside of beacon. Here is not special rules for this. They despawn after some time nobody near.
  • Here isn’t special blocks for mob spawn.
  • When you come closer, passive mobs can be provocated. Agressive mobs (Spitters and Cuttletrunks) will attack you anyway if they can see you.
  • Slow.
  • Many peoples talking about 8 hours of inactivity, but I don’t sure about it. Blocks regenerate all time but not so fast.
  • It’s interesting question. When rocks/glaciers regenerate, they have a chance to spawn resources.

I really appreciate you answered but they are not precise information.

  • What’s considered the surface of the world? Just the highest block? Because mobs can spawn in blocks that players placed. Mobs seems to not spawn on/under/in water too.
  • Sure, but I need values, I tried to track them down, but them I realise it changes with player speed. In “normal” speed agressive mobs seems to agro at 15 blocks distance and deagro at 30 blocks. And seems high values do not apply to deagro mobs.
  • I dig blocks near my “away from civilization” plot in Alturnik 8 hrs later it had not regenerated, waited more 12 hrs and still nothing… It regenerated after 2 days or something like that. It was near my plot, so maybe plot distance does influence word regen.

I was expecting something like “Mobs spawn each 15 min, X to Y blocks away from the player and aways above sea level. They do not spawn on leaves, rocks and minerals”.

That’s why I’m not sure if devs will be able to share this kind of information.

1 Like

At the moment, this kind of information is also still very much a work-in-progress and probably will be liable to change with each balance pass.


Don’t you know living creatures don’t spawn? They breed. You need to find their lair, find out their mating behaviors andyou will see. :wink:

EDIT: and sometime different species crossbreed - like spitter and cuttletrunk - do you know what is born of such an unholy union?
Titans :scream:


Kill it with lava!


I agree what we need some answers. Unfortunately we lost so important now chain link as @Faelan. We need somebody who can ask problematic question on a brunch, because James and @luke-turbulenz are very busy by building the game most beautiful way.

But I insist we not need in precise amounts. For wiki we must have only understanding of general laws lines. I mean IRL you cannot just say “Dear Lord, please tell me a rule how molecular connection works”


That was my point in my previous posts, you gotta start somewhere, it does not have to be pixel perfect. It’s easy to correct once we get precise info. I was looking into game files yesterday, I think there are some values there for those distances, haven’t had much time to research.


I couldn’t find any information about that. There’s just user settings, scripts used to run npcs in the trailer and values for world gen in the world edit.

One thing I do know, is that creatures are currently set to spawn at a rate of 7 creatures to 1 player entity - this could change though as more fine tuning is carried out;

1 Like

This is most likely info you need about distance at which creatures get aggressive etc.

D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Boundless\assets\archetypes\aiarchetypes.json formatted:

		"testTarget": {
			"race": 7,
			"targetRange": 15,
			"targetBreakRange": 20,
			"states": [{
				"id": 1,
				"next": 1,
				"transitions": []
		"wildstock": {
			"race": 0,
			"targetRange": 6,
			"targetBreakRange": 30,
			"wanderToPlayerWeighting": 0.4,
			"wanderToPlayerMinDistance": 10,
			"deadState": {
				"id": 35,
				"timeUntilDropsAvailable": 0.5
			"states": [{
				"id": 2,
				"transitions": [17, 3],
				"wanderTime": 2,
				"waitTime": 6,
				"disableJumping": false,
				"effects": ["livestock_breathe", "livestock_call"]
			}, {
				"id": 3,
				"next": 2,
				"transitions": [17, 10, 2]
			}, {
				"id": 10,
				"next": 13,
				"transitions": [17],
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				"prepareTime": 1,
				"effect": "livestock_attack"
			}, {
				"id": 13,
				"next": 12,
				"transitions": [17, 14],
				"chargeSpeed": 6,
				"chargeDistance": 11
			}, {
				"id": 14,
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				"meleeRange": 3.75,
				"startupTime": 0.2,
				"recoveryTime": 2,
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					"knockUp": 10
			}, {
				"id": 12,
				"next": 3,
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				"recoveryTime": 2
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			}, {
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					"count": 5
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			}, {
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				"transitions": [17],
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				"recoveryTime": 1
			}, {
				"id": 5,
				"next": 6,
				"transitions": [17],
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			}, {
				"id": 6,
				"next": 3,
				"transitions": [17],
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			}, {
				"id": 19,
				"next": 20,
				"transitions": [17],
				"startupTime": 1.6
			}, {
				"id": 20,
				"next": 21,
				"transitions": [17],
				"reloadTime": 2.033
			}, {
				"id": 21,
				"next": 3,
				"transitions": [17],
				"recoveryTime": 0.6
			}, {
				"id": 16,
				"next": 3,
				"transitions": [17, 16],
				"highHealthTime": 0.833,
				"lowHealthTime": 2.5
			}, {
				"id": 17,
				"next": 3
		"spitterIdle": {
			"race": 1,
			"targetRange": 15,
			"targetBreakRange": 20,
			"strafeToFaceTarget": false,
			"wanderToPlayerWeighting": 1,
			"states": [{
				"id": 25,
				"next": 25,
				"transitions": [],
				"sequence": [{
					"creatureActionState": "IDLE"
		"spitterIdleBreathe": {
			"race": 1,
			"targetRange": 15,
			"targetBreakRange": 20,
			"strafeToFaceTarget": false,
			"wanderToPlayerWeighting": 1,
			"states": [{
				"id": 25,
				"next": 25,
				"transitions": [],
				"sequence": [{
					"creatureActionState": "TEST_ANIMATION_2"
		"spitterFeed": {
			"race": 1,
			"targetRange": 15,
			"targetBreakRange": 20,
			"strafeToFaceTarget": false,
			"wanderToPlayerWeighting": 1,
			"states": [{
				"id": 25,
				"next": 25,
				"transitions": [],
				"sequence": [{
					"creatureActionState": "RELOAD_IN"
				}, {
					"creatureActionState": "RELOAD_LOOP",
					"count": 5
				}, {
					"creatureActionState": "RELOAD_OUT"
		"cuttletrunk": {
			"race": 6,
			"targetRange": 20,
			"targetBreakRange": 35,
			"strafeToFaceTarget": true,
			"wanderToPlayerWeighting": 0.4,
			"wanderToPlayerMinDistance": 20,
			"deadState": {
				"id": 31
			"states": [{
				"id": 15,
				"next": "Movement"
			}, {
				"name": "StartPullAttack",
				"id": 37,
				"states": [36],
				"next": "PullAttackIn"
			}, {
				"name": "PullAttackIn",
				"id": 25,
				"next": 36,
				"sequence": [{
					"creatureActionState": "DRAG_IN"
			}, {
				"id": 36,
				"next": "PullAttackOut"
			}, {
				"name": "PullAttackOut",
				"id": 25,
				"next": "Combat",
				"sequence": [{
					"creatureActionState": "DRAG_OUT"
			}, {
				"name": "Movement",
				"id": 32,
				"next": 1,
				"transitions": [],
				"selection": [{
					"id": 30,
					"chance": 0.75
				}, {
					"id": 1,
					"chance": 0.25
				"reselectionBias": 0.75
			}, {
				"name": "Combat",
				"id": 32,
				"transitions": [],
				"next": "Movement",
				"selection": [{
					"id": "StartPullAttack",
					"chance": 0.05
				}, {
					"id": 8,
					"chance": 0.25
				}, {
					"id": 5,
					"chance": 0.2
				}, {
					"id": 33,
					"chance": 0.6
				}, {
					"id": 34,
					"chance": 0.3
				"reselectionBias": 0.6
			}, {
				"id": 1,
				"next": "Movement",
				"transitions": ["Combat"],
				"durationMin": 2,
				"durationMax": 5
			}, {
				"id": 30,
				"next": "Movement",
				"transitions": ["Combat"],
				"wanderTimeMin": 1.5,
				"wanderTimeMax": 4.5,
				"running": true,
				"steering": true,
				"targetAltitudeMin": 6,
				"targetAltitudeMax": 9
			}, {
				"id": 3,
				"next": "Movement",
				"transitions": [4, "Movement"],
				"chaseRangeMin": 15,
				"targetAltitude": 6
			}, {
				"id": 4,
				"transitions": ["Combat", 3, "Movement"],
				"next": 3,
				"maxRange": 15
			}, {
				"id": 33,
				"next": "Combat",
				"transitions": [3],
				"targetAltitudeMin": 5,
				"targetAltitudeMax": 7
			}, {
				"id": 34,
				"next": "Combat",
				"transitions": [3],
				"altitude": 6,
				"speed": 16,
				"relativeTo": "position",
				"minFlankAngle": -45,
				"maxFlankAngle": 45,
				"flankDistance": 10,
				"minTimeBetweenFlanks": 6,
				"recoveryTime": 1
			}, {
				"id": 8,
				"next": "Combat",
				"transitions": [],
				"attackRange": 20,
				"projectileSpeed": 20,
				"startupTime": 0.2,
				"recoveryTime": 1
			}, {
				"id": 5,
				"next": 6,
				"transitions": [],
				"dodgeTime": 1,
				"dodgeSpeed": 2.5
			}, {
				"id": 6,
				"next": "Combat",
				"transitions": [3],
				"recoveryTime": 0.5
			}, {
				"id": 16,
				"next": 3,
				"transitions": [16],
				"highHealthTime": 0.833,
				"lowHealthTime": 2.5
		"cuttletrunkDragTest": {
			"race": 6,
			"targetRange": 15,
			"targetBreakRange": 20,
			"strafeToFaceTarget": true,
			"wanderToPlayerWeighting": 1,
			"states": [{
				"id": 15,
				"next": 25
			}, {
				"id": 25,
				"next": 15,
				"transitions": [],
				"sequence": [{
					"creatureActionState": "DRAG_IN"
				}, {
					"creatureActionState": "DRAG_LOOP",
					"count": 10
				}, {
					"creatureActionState": "DRAG_OUT"
		"cuttletrunkIdle": {
			"race": 6,
			"targetRange": 15,
			"targetBreakRange": 20,
			"strafeToFaceTarget": false,
			"wanderToPlayerWeighting": 1,
			"states": [{
				"id": 15,
				"next": 25
			}, {
				"id": 25,
				"next": 15,
				"transitions": [],
				"sequence": [{
					"creatureActionState": "IDLE"
		"cuttletrunkFigureEight": {
			"race": 6,
			"targetRange": 15,
			"targetBreakRange": 20,
			"strafeToFaceTarget": false,
			"wanderToPlayerWeighting": 1,
			"states": [{
				"id": 15,
				"next": 25
			}, {
				"id": 25,
				"next": 15,
				"transitions": [],
				"sequence": [{
					"creatureActionState": "TEST_ANIMATION_1"
		"cuttletrunkMoveForward": {
			"race": 6,
			"targetRange": 15,
			"targetBreakRange": 20,
			"strafeToFaceTarget": false,
			"wanderToPlayerWeighting": 1,
			"states": [{
				"id": 15,
				"next": 25
			}, {
				"id": 25,
				"next": 15,
				"transitions": [],
				"sequence": [{
					"creatureActionState": "TEST_ANIMATION_2"
		"hunter": {
			"race": 5,
			"targetRange": 30,
			"targetBreakRange": 50,
			"wanderToPlayerWeighting": 0.4,
			"wanderToPlayerMinDistance": 10,
			"states": [{
				"id": 3,
				"transitions": [17],
				"next": 3,
				"animRate": 3
			}, {
				"id": 16,
				"next": 3,
				"transitions": [17, 16],
				"highHealthTime": 0.866,
				"lowHealthTime": 1.033,
				"highHealthEffect": "livestock_spotted_target",
				"lowHealthEffect": "livestock_pain"
			}, {
				"id": 17,
				"next": 3
		"hunter_static": {
			"race": 5,
			"states": [{
				"id": 1,
				"next": 1,
				"transitions": [17]
			}, {
				"id": 17,
				"next": 3
		"groundBasher": {
			"race": 4,
			"targetRange": 15,
			"targetBreakRange": 20,
			"strafeToFaceTarget": true,
			"states": [{
				"id": 2,
				"transitions": [17, 3],
				"wanderTime": 2,
				"waitTime": 6,
				"disableJumping": false
			}, {
				"id": 3,
				"next": 2,
				"transitions": [17, 9, 2]
			}, {
				"id": 9,
				"next": 3,
				"meleeRange": 3,
				"damageStruct": {
					"knockBack": 10,
					"knockUp": 10
				"prepareTime": 1.5,
				"recoveryTime": 2
			}, {
				"id": 16,
				"next": 3,
				"transitions": [17, 16],
				"highHealthTime": 0.866,
				"lowHealthTime": 1.033,
				"highHealthEffect": "livestock_spotted_target",
				"lowHealthEffect": "livestock_pain"
			}, {
				"id": 17,
				"next": 3
		"groundBasherStaticMelee": {
			"race": 4,
			"targetRange": 15,
			"targetBreakRange": 20,
			"strafeToFaceTarget": true,
			"states": [{
				"id": 25,
				"next": 1,
				"transitions": [],
				"sequence": [{
					"creatureActionState": "HITSTUN_HIGH_HEALTH"
				}, {
					"creatureActionState": "RAGE"
				}, {
					"creatureActionState": "MELEE_ATTACK"
			}, {
				"id": 1,
				"next": 25,
				"transitions": []
		"groundBasherIdle": {
			"race": 4,
			"targetRange": 15,
			"targetBreakRange": 20,
			"strafeToFaceTarget": false,
			"states": [{
				"id": 25,
				"next": 25,
				"transitions": [],
				"sequence": [{
					"creatureActionState": "IDLE"
		"groundBasherIdleBreathe": {
			"race": 4,
			"targetRange": 15,
			"targetBreakRange": 20,
			"strafeToFaceTarget": false,
			"states": [{
				"id": 25,
				"next": 25,
				"transitions": [],
				"sequence": [{
					"creatureActionState": "TEST_ANIMATION_1"

In other files in same directory there are some spawning configs. I’m not sure if this is actually used in game, but I guess it is since it’s still in game directory :smiley:


Started to write which recipe skill gives which items, etc. Will add when ready


Thanks Spoygg. I totally skiped this file

1 Like

Ok, I dont need to work with this anymore. :smile:


Can someone search in the game files for the skill point requirements (or the multiplier) for skills in each tree? Pretty please? :blush:


@Kawwak What exactly do you mean?

So in every tree if you learn a skill the next one will cost more, and I’d like to know how much points will be every next skill to learn (until everything is learned in that tree). I think every tree have a multiplier for it.

So like in the atmosphere protection skill tree the first will cost 10, the second 14, etc, but I dont know how much it will cost if I learn 10 skills from that tree. Ofc I could make the math but thats speculation a bit.

@luke-turbulenz I’d like to enter all recipes to wiki, do you have any suggestions about format before I do so? (easier than to fix later :smiley: )

I was thinking something like this:

Titanium Alloy


To be done.


Machine: Mixer

Handcrafting: No

Basic Crafting Recipes

Output: 1 | 10 | 50

Titanium Bar (crafted)
1 | 8 | 36

Any Base Alloy (group)
2 | 16 | 72

Spark: 360 | 3600 | 18000

Power: 0

Italicized text would be links to other pages.


Is this it?


5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 31, 34, 37, 40, 43, 46, 50

Item Crafting:
10, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 19, 24, 30, 37, 46, 57, 70

Tool Mastery:
5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50

10, 14, 18, 24, 33, 42, 54, 68, 83, 100

Combat Mastery:
5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 26, 28, 31, 34, 37, 40, 43, 47, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 70

5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31, 35, 39, 44, 49, 55, 61, 67, 75, 82, 91, 100

Equipment Crafting:
10, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 19, 24, 30, 37, 46, 57, 70

10, 14, 18, 24, 33, 42, 54, 68, 83, 100

10, 14, 18, 24, 33, 42, 54, 68, 83, 100

10, 14, 18, 24, 33, 42, 54, 68, 83, 100

Rage and Focus:
20, 25, 37, 61, 100


I was taking notes as I leveled up. You saved me the work.


@Spoygg you da besht! :smiley:

But its interesting that most of these you found dont actually shows as much skills as there is in the game. I mean for example: there are 69 skills in the attribute tree, but if you count the ‘requirement point for each’ in your post, it shows only until the 50th skill, the 50th requiring 50 points to learn. The question is: I cant learn more than 50 skills in that 69 skill skill-tree, or after the 50th every new skill costs the same 50 points?

And its not only true for the attribute tree, but for exploration (the 10th costs 100 points but there are 15 skills in that tree), combat (30th for 70 but 34 skills), endurance (40th for 100 but 58 skills), equipment crafting (13th for 70 but 15 skills), abilities/survival/atmosphere (10th for 100 but 15 skills), and rage&focus (5th for 100 but 16 skills).

Edit: correct me if I am wrong, but there are 13 skill ‘point requirements’ listed by you in the item crafting tree, but there are only 11 skills in the game now, so the 12th (57) and 13th (70) match nothing. They wanted to add 2 more skills here but actually did not, or we are waiting for the 2 clothes/armors craft skills (or something else)? :blush: