BoundlessTrade.Net ..... What do you think?

Sorry for the huge reply :S. just catching up on the thread.

I think there are way too many variables in play within the short period where this site has been live to make this conclusion.

Someone will go to your shop once it’s scanned in 2 days. Regardless of PS4 or PC this will be the case. Any form of recording shop data in a crowd-sourced manner has this problem.

If someone went around with an excel sheet and wrote down 50,000 shop stand prices and put it on the forum, many people would take that as a guide for a short time. In fact people have done this in their guilds in the past.

I didn’t read Vansten’s post like this at all. waiting 2 days for your pixel coins isn’t the end of the world. You’re right the site deals in pixel coins too. But that doesn’t make your pixel coins more important that other people’s pixel coins.

In my opinion the reason why the CoC rules exist against shaming people is because communication is subjective and the shaming is not always true as it only has one perspective. A bunch of people piling up in a thread saying that Vansten’s comments are not valid is just as toxic as if he hypothetically trolling, which again I’m 99% sure he wasn’t.

I agree but they’ve communicated to me that this is not a priority for them. You have to keep in mind that working on this means they aren’t working on something else. Although specific people may not like specific other features they’ve developed, they need to look at the big picture. I’m simply trying to fill a gap to improve the situation partially in the mean-time while the devs have not implemented such a feature. I think overall, even though this site has problems with stale orders, it is still highly beneficial to both shoppers and shop owners. Even if your shop never gets scanned, you still have a tool available to put your prices in the right ballpark.

They are watching it for sure. They like various posts about it, they have mentioned it to me in DM, they have followed my youtube, etc.

The data is up to 3 days old, not 70 years…

The site was never meant to have up to date information on 100% of the market. And there’s certainly not only 1 purpose/use for the site. Many people have benefited from the site already. That’s why it exists, to help people.

I use it to price check things. I use it to buy from sell orders and sell to buy orders when they overlap.

I mean I’ve already heard about this happening multiple times. People are buying from unlisted shopstands and selling to listed once and vice versa because of good shops they’ve found compared to listed prices. There’s still a reward for exploring.

a lot of people won’t go through the trouble but some people will. I don’t understand how that situation as a whole is bad though.

I know you’re aware this comment is toxic, so please refrain from calling other people toxic in the future. It’s possible there are still bugs. Can you tell me the exact coordinates of one or more shopstands that disappeared? I can review all changes on that shopstand and see what went wrong.

The client isn’t even released yet, and I expect to continue finding issues once it is. If you’re expecting it to be perfect today, then you are misguided.

All the blocks data is in various arrays in game memory including hidden blocks.

A block/gem scanner has been doable for a very long time and the devs don’t really seem to care:

Bottom line is it doesn’t really provide a significant benefit over the atlas. But to be clear if you’re caught using something like this you would almost certainly be banned.

For the record so people don’t read this wrong, I don’t cheat mining.

Even if it was up-to-date instantly people could still “abuse” the market in this way right? Maybe not as much but either way tricking someone into going to your request basket will not make them buy from you. A few fake stands/baskets with fake prices might make a few people change prices but it won’t cause everyone in the market to change.

When I was scanning I went through portals, scanned any shopstands I could find and went back through. It’s likely shoppers are also having the same issue with your shop as I did while scanning. Perhaps it might be worth thinking about updating the layout (or it’s also possible I’m just blind ^_^).

But you’re right. Scanning will not necessarily be consistent, but you can add some notes on you shop page on the site if you like and hopefully the people scanning will see it.

The shop owner does not have exclusive rights to their shop items/costs. Anyone in the game can go to their shop and see the price. Anyone can post that price on the internet recommending people to or not to go shop there.

I mean it’s good for PS if there are PS players scanning shops connected to PS hubs. Other guilds can advertise the same. I feel like I’m missing what you’re getting at here sorry :(. Would you be so kind as to elaborate on this?

That’s illegal, be careful :wink:

The site is up but the client isn’t. I was trying to delay details about how the site and data work until I actually know myself how it’s all going to work. It’s not a distraction, I literally don’t know how everything will all work just yet. I’m getting closer now but I’ll have more complete information by this weekend I think.

It will indeed get scanned. again see above I don’t think it really matters and will probably get your shop boycotted by people who use the site. I think you’d only be hurting yourself.

if you don’t set a price it won’t show up on the site. If you set it to some large price, people won’t see it as the cheapest. I don’t think storage affects this site.

Same, I would prefer complete up-to-date data over this too.

Create an account on the site, add your shop with coordinates and travel details, then click request scan top right.

I think the good of this site far outweighs the insignificant corner case of whether some random guy cares if data is complete and simultaneously doesn’t read the disclaimer. The case definitely exists but I’m not even slightly worried about it.

of course it does. otherwise you wouldn’t be here.

Empirically it is, otherwise people wouldn’t be debating it with you would they?

I’ve played plenty of games with external buying/selling utilities for a long time without knowing they exist and had plenty of fun. Path of Exile comes to mind as an example. True they have some public APIs as well but it’s still not a UI built into the game. You have to use 3rd party sites to buy/sell stuff.

Great to hear! This is the story I’ve got from most people so far. Getting things into the right ballpark means you can understand your supply and demand correctly and not overcharge popular items and lose your regulars. People don’t really want to go around and get the 1c cheapest price on everything. People like to have half a dozen shops they frequent that each specialize in a group of cheaper items to get everything they need as a whole. And they can confirm nobody is completely screwing them. This helps literally everyone, including the devs as the throughput increases because people are more confident with the prices and they can get better perspective on supply/demand in the game.

I could go on and on.

Your customers don’t need to save every 1-coin either. I don’t fly across the universe in eve to save a couple million, and people will still go to shops they like in Boundless.

hitting the request scan button now and then helps too, just to help new people to learn about your shop, but like you’ve said I don’t think people will check prices every day. I think most people will use it to find some shops they like and then frequent those shops in the future.