Boundlexx API: An API to get all things related to Boundless

  • Item images are now available via the API. This includes just about every possible variation (colors) of the items images as well. That is over 72,000 images!
    • image_url has been added to the item list and item detail APIs. For items with color variations, this one is always the White (228) variation by default.
    • has_colors has changed meaning slightly. has_colors means the item itself has color variations. To get the various color variations, you can take the image URL and replace the item_id for the item in the URL with {item_id}_{color_id} to get that color variation. Example: For Gleam: To get Black Gleam, replace 9555 with 9555_1:
    • has_world_colors is a replacement for the old has_colors. It means the item falls in one of the 45 that can vary from world to world and gets posted in forum/Discord templates.
  • Item images are now used in Forum templates. See for an example.

Note: Some items are known to have missing images (like liquids, foliage, grass, mould, non-meta metamorphic variants of ore seams, etc.). I hope to get these in the nearish future whenever the upstream rendering tool is able to handle them.

Huge thanks to @willcrutchley and his Icon Renderer to make this possible.