Brews? (Give us our goblets after drinking a brew!) Went from joke to serious question

that makes me feel sad :frowning:

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Yall make me think of this RPG parody video hehe


BOTH of them? I have two… both had 550k in there…

Idk honestly was just hoping it would make you run back and check haha @AeneaGames

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Give me my goblets!

First time i see this thread, very recently saw this clip… perfect match
Health potions NPC Man

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I’ve since moved them to gyosha mall but still plenty of cups for all you ceramic-munching citizens :grin:

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Ooh, what if drinking brews gave us ‘dirty cups’ item and we had to run them through the refiner to ‘wash’ them and re-use.
I’d hate to have an extra stack of items in inventory after drinking them though.

Edit: doing dishes sucks. Never mind. I take it all back.


Indeed a perfect match for this thread as you can see here in @majorvex 's post 4 or 5 posts above yours:
