Building Themes in Boundless!


Love that you actually noticed the foliage. I kinda feel people underestimate foliage as building and deco material.

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I like simple and bit modest design. Old farmhouses and stuff. Heres a what i find simple but still cool looking


I love seeing all these grand plans. I can’t wait for what’s possible with all the new colours and worlds. I’ve a few of my own, though I’m not a great builder, so I’ll keep them to myself for now. It will be a while before I have enough plots and resources to actually make it…


awwww :blush: come on share with us, you might even get people who would like to help build such a thing

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Well the idea is a walled city, with plots available for others to take in the inner courtyard. But I will probably aim to complete the whole surrounding structure first, which will take a long time (but I won’t be in any rush!) - once done I’ll advertise for tenants :slight_smile:


I really like this one a lot. Find a massive cave and build your city in it.


underground cities has always been a fave of mine! (just a shame i suck at building)

if it was me… this would probably my epicness V


I only realized after some time that it’s actually part of the color palette and not just random background.
But yeah, foliage and deco always play an important part in my builds (if they get that far). :smile:

I also love underground cities. Was looking around for a suitable cave on the current worlds a few month ago but couldn’t find one that was big enough.

(If I happen to come across a nice cave in the new universe, it might become my second big project in 1.0)


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hmmm the game is being wiped in ~ 2 wks were you speaking in code?

Ahhh you mean not fully wiped because we are backing up all cities and etc to the offline universe ?

imagine build this with copper/gold/silver and glass ^^

How about a modern/current times city planet?

or a scii-fi one

If only i was a dev… then maybe i could design an entire city planet as a complete dungeon experience before release? (pfft if only i knew how to code)


I think the devs want to do one too!!


i didn’t even notice Coruscant in the snapshot lol

As @Stretchious said I think the devs want too :innocent:


I just paid your build a visit. (By accident) And i used the chance to have a look.
I really like what you did with the rooms, the interior design is amazing!


Thank you very much

Love to work on a city planet. . If that is the developers world do I have to upgrade to Oortian to live on that planet?

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you need the highest tier £3600 to live there

hmm. . live out a dream to be on a city planet or be able to afford food for the next 6 months. . tough choice.


As one of my students once said, “You only feel hungry if you aren’t disciplined.” (He already had a pizza being delivered.)