Button to enable or disable music in Deluxe

The music of the deluxe edition game is great, but my problem is when it jumps and when it doesn’t, sometimes I’m forging, building or mining and nothing sounds, I only hear the ambient sound or the mob in the distance. When I’m hunting, music plays. In my case I would prefer it the other way around, listen to the mobs and ambient sound when I hunt, without music and in all other actions with music. My question is: Is it possible to add some function to enable or disable music to be us, the players, who choose the moment in which we want the music to sound? that is, we can choose if we want the game to choose for us (automatic) or if we want it to be manual, with a button to activate and deactivate the music. There could even be a button to skip that track if by chance you don’t like it.
I hope to hear your suggestions and opinions.

The tracks that play are highly situational so I’m not sure what a skip button would actually do :smiley: Manual playback would be a nice option.

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:thinking: I did not know, so why are there times that there seems to be no music? At least not those piano pieces that I love xD

I’m not sure how exactly how it works, but the music isn’t playing 100% of the time for sure. The post above was just about the track selection when it does play. Especially if you’re looking for that one piece you like, it’ll probably only play during a certain activity.

I am now choosing to silence the music of the game and listen to it on YouTube, where it is complete. So I can choose what to hear and when to listen to it xD. Like so many other things in this game, I will have to resort to an external source to the game to cover an option that should be in the game itself …

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Im actually in the same position, i like listening to music when im mining and doing things solo and then notice its never playing when im solo

when im out and about its playing and i have to turn it down because i cant hear people talking to me on voice chat.

I tend to just turn the music off now because it never seems to play at the right time. when im underground i just hear the underfarts that make me think there is stuff down there with me even when im on raxxa