C++ Build Bugs & Issues

I figure it might be helpful to collect all the problems we run across in a single place (separate from all our other discussion about the build).

This is a Wiki-Post - feel free to contribute and add your findings below:

Game Start-/Run-/Stop


  • There’s a noticeable delay after breaking a block before the item drops (250ms+); my reported latency to the server is 9-10ms.
  • The initial tools we are given take a pretty long time to break their “ideal” blocks; feels like it should be sped up somewhat.
  • If you jump while swinging, you get an extra swing animation
  • Sometimes when switching to the slingbow (and other tools?) it completely disappears; it’s usable, but has no visuals until you switch to another item and back
  • There are also cases where you should have a slingbow in your hand but there is another model.
    For example the grappling hook, and the head of the grappling hook is pulled forward when you try to shoot. (Which works btw. The arrow acts as normal.)
  • If you stand so that a torch occupies the same space as your head, you are unable to interact with any blocks (nor the torch you are standing inside of)
    • Ah, torches just act like they occupy an entire block ('cause they do!). You also can’t interact with blocks that are obscured by the torch block (but not the torch model)
  • The game often doesn´t save your latest position when you log off.
  • The game, sometimes, lose mous-focus because of no reason.
  • Sprinting can´t be de-toggled.
  • (not sure if bug but annoying) You always jump when you run up a slope.
  • Sneaking on the inner part of a wall doesn’t prevent you from falling.
  • Water “flows” at the sides of a glass block if you place it in water. (Same bug MC had for years)
  • You can make a torch float if you destroy the block behind it.
  • You can not place blocks on the underside of stairs. If you attempt to you build on top of the stairs and if you try it with a block already above the stair you simply can’t place a block.


  • When chat wraps to a new line, the wrapped text is incorrectly turned green (like a player name)
  • Enter switches you out of full screen mode, but doesn’t toggle it back until you press something else (shift?) (annoying in all cases!)
  • The quick switch between inventory<->crafting when dragging an item out of the inventory window is really jarring. I like the quick animation, but perhaps it should be debounced a bit so that you’re not accidentally swapping windows
  • When crafting items, they do not stack with items in your hotbar
  • You can’t chisel a corner that is adjacent to another chiselable block. For example, place three chiselable blocks on top of each other, and attempt to chisel a single column down; you will be able to chisel the top block, but not the middle one
  • You cant assign anything to the ‘esc’ button.


  • Hammering stone when it is within 1-1.5 blocks of water doesn’t display the “fracture” texture (sometimes a diagonal cut in the texture, sometimes not present at all)
  • When the steam overlay is up, FPS tanks (can’t give exact numbers, but it feels like 10-15 fps). I’ll blame Valve for this one, though.
  • SUPER NITPICK: Head bob is out of sync with the footstep sounds
  • Missing textures or meshs for the rope of the copper grappling hook. When i “shoot” it the connection point to the surface and the rope is not vissible.
  • Blocks placed right next to a portal is seethrough from the other side
  • Walking through a portal with the 3rd person camera is very jarring:
    • Once your character crosses the threshold, the scene changes to the new world (whereas you would expect it to change when the camera crosses the threshold)
  • Light shines through the connecting edge of blocks when they are placed diagonally.


  • ROCK_SEDIMENTARYREFINED_STEP - some faces are “missing” depending on the angle you placed it at
  • Stonebrick textures are sometimes facing the wrong direction.
  • Walls do not combine to a full block. (not directional)


  • No sound when breaking blocks (except grass)


  • Taking a screenshot via F12 (Steam’s thing), ends up taking a pure black image
  • Delete is not registered as a backspace when chatting (e.g. OS X keyboards)

Stuff you probably already know

  • No day/night cycle (or just really long)
  • Water doesn’t flow if you dig below/to the sides
  • Hit the edge of the world at 2047; wrapping not enabled?

I’ll add my findings here as well then…


  • Wall walking is still an issue in this build.
  • As is jumping up when too close to a wall (only tested against brick blocks).


  • GRASS_VERDANT_BASE doesn’t drop when mined (also prevents grass on top from dropping).
  • GRASS_BARBED_BASE doesn’t drop when mined (also prevents grass on top from dropping). Also missing side and bottom textures.
  • GRASS_3_BASE doesn’t drop when mined (also prevents grass on top from dropping). Also missing side and bottom textures.
  • ROCK_SEDIMENTARY_BASE doesn’t drop when mined. Also break easier with shovel - should it be hammer?
  • ROCK_IGNEOUS_BRICK breaks easier with shovel - should it be hammer?
  • WOOD_WAXY_LEAVES breaks easier with shovel - should it be axe?


  • Doesn’t flow horizontally again after a vertical drop.


  • Experienced a server crash right at the time I placed a beacon (server: TESTEU1). May be coincidence, but worth mentioning. Another player was standing in the beaconable area when I placed the beacon.

Did you have debug open at the time? I think the highlights only appear with that open (although I could be wrong as I mostly had my debug open all the time).


Aha, yeah! That’s the one; Checking that off the list

Everytime i start the C++ build the boundlessleader_win stops working and crahes. The game itself in running.

Here is the link to the B< gist.
Here is the link to the boundlessloader_win gist.

@nevir can you make your original post a wiki post so we can collect everything we find on a “single” place.

In my experience you can get this working by holding the delete/backspace down for half a second, if hold down longer than that though it starts spamming qustion marks for me whish is… Weird.

There is a weird graphic glitch with the portal clipping through blocks when they are placed on the other side of the portal:

(As seen above the wood block you are actually watching the landscape through a stone block on the other side of the portal:)

Done! Have at it


Thanks everyone! We will go through each and every bug reported and enter them into our bug database if they have not been reported yet.


You can now sprint by pressing ‘Ctrl’.


Hello All,

Sorry guys, we did not let you know that the following things are still missing.

  1. Liquid physics (flow)
  2. Cloud
  3. Arrow trails
  4. Mini map
  5. Some sfx
  6. Change in weather / day time including lightening
  7. Creature dropping items
  8. Some block textures
  9. Birds

Do you really want to include arrow trails? I think it is super cool the way it is now, because the arrow tip is a bit bigger in size and therefore the flight curve of the arrow well recognizable. Also I like the speed setting of the projectile.

Edit: Maybe it depends on the style of the arrow trail. If it would create a trail of really little sparkles or mini bubbles that go along, it could fit to the magical appeal of the world. Maybe a higher evolved projectile could cause such a trail.

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I am looking forward to those fruit pod textures. :smiley:


I’d like to see a “traditional” control scheme based off of the minecraft controls and the “boundless” controls (similar enough), or just a tickbox for double tap sprint V_V.

sprint is ctrl

Nice - the latest build fixed all the missing or incorrect block textures I’ve seen so far (except for that pesky fruit water pod)

I want the double tap sprint option as well, I’m used to that so that’s what I would like. If I assigned mouse controls to your keyboard it would still work, but you wouldn’t be used to it.

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If you place a flower on top of another flower (which quite easily happen by mistake) the first flower disapears.

Mine crashes every time I’m about to enter the world ;-;. I want to play so bad, could it be caused by the fact I have a mac? It gives me errors about textures and other things of that like.

Can you let us know the spec of your mac (CPU and graphics card) as well as the OS you are using?

Also, it would be awesome if you can send us the screenshot of the error. Thanks.

sure,OS X 10.9.5 (13F1507),processor: 3.2 GHz Intel Core i3, Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 5670 512 MB