Can we get a maps refresh please?

Thanks! Last was 4-28

Updated post title to say “please”


From what I got, James has to make them himself?
I imagine that he has maps of chunks and he has to assemble them all.

Maps are super useful for us, and I would think the best thing they could do would be to add a way for us to take an Atlas in-game and place it into a machine.
The machine would unwrap the map so we can display it, or maybe it could have a button “print map” that saves it in JPG format in your screenshot folder?

I don’t know. Just hoping devs will find a way to not have to go through a long process of making maps every one or two months.

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I appreciate the update from 5 days ago, but that was of maps a month old. I felt like that was kinda a tease…


What update 5 days ago

Found this


What use are the maps? The compactness update is over. Not sure what the need of new maps is. Or do you just want the atlas more up to date?


I just like to see how much my settlement grew and where can I keep growing without getting to close to others lol.

But I can do that by running around too.
It’s easier to see the map tho


I like to see what’s new around the world, and maybe to see what around our settlement.
I can do it but walking around but it’s easier on the map.

I want to make some boundless timelapse animations at some point, so I’m hoping we get lots of regular updates :blush:


I rather the devs spend time on releasing a new update to our beloved game.

Or, perhaps even talk about what’s in the coming update.

Are they still working overthere at Wonderstruck? Been a tad quiet I feel, le sigh


The maps they provide for download can be enlarged to show the individual blocks. I personally download and import the maps into AutoCAD and can draw and plan out my city to the nearest block. I have saved each previous map and can cycle and see the changes to areas/cities. This ability has motivated me to take on Storis II development as a project. I can see what settlements have regenerated without having to travel the landscape. I can also search for new builds around town I may have missed in my wanderings.

Additional thought… Would it anger the masses if the Devs only updated certain maps? Or rather did not update some maps very often? The T5/6 planets are less populated and change little between updates, maybe the devs can save some time and only update the T4 and below?

Just another radical thought…


I can see what around the city by using the altas and I can see the plots around me, so I know extra what settlements are around and how much they have grown.

But map is a lot better for seeing the whole planet.

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