Can we get ETA on road map / test release

Awesomeness :star_struck:


I wish people would relax and just let the content come. Coming up here to read the same complaints every day is getting old. I’m sure the devs are tired of some of yall. I don’t know anything about what it takes to run a game, especially a game like boundless. And most of you dont either. Ignore the hate and impatience and just put out quality products like you have been doing please @devs

And some may not realize it but a tutorial revamp is way more important than “new content”. Hell, for all we know they may release new content in the process


And, hopefully, we never do.

I hope the “add/remove world” thing is about temporary worlds that will be around for just a short time (couple weeks), which doesn’t allow building/plotting, just mining and gathering. We could get different blocks of different colors and then it’s gone. Then a new temp planet gets introduced with all new colors.

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That would be cool.

The world refactoring was done now as a foundation layer for:

  1. Temporary or time limited worlds.
  2. Player worlds.
  3. Event worlds.

Yeahhh!! Ding dong sharita!

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Devs got us all like:


This wasn’t in relation to moving existing player planets on the public player space. I don’t see any reason that would make sense. They can run multiple planets on a server and built their planet design with the assumption that these planets would stay around until the sun blows up…

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Temporary or time limited worlds.

Event worlds.

Yay!! Beyond yay! super awesome.

I’m not looking forward to the strife this is likely to cause on this board when details come out, lol.

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As you said, I hate to say this but you are utterly clueless yourself. This game was released way earlier than they planned on because of funding issues. I bought it originally on the PS4 with the belief that rental worlds were already ready to go because they literally said that.

This game was in no way shape or form ready for ‘release’ when they did but they had no other choice.

They are doing something absolutely critical. They’re addressing huge new player issues that are immediately causing a player retention problem. Their metrics clearly show the turnover of new players is horrendous. So of course that’s what they should address first. People who have been playing a while and claim boredom of no new content will, as with most online games, come back when new content is added.

New player retention is clearly their biggest issue right now and addressing new player road blocks, such as getting lost due to overwhelming portal systems, is more important than adding content.


Titan planets :astonished:

If we can have a rented planet connected to the main universe but restrict other players from beaconing I’ll sign up day one. It would be great to not have to hear complaining about how many plots my player group has claimed and how we aren’t developing our settlement fast enough…


I can see this. As long as any connected planets, including player planets, can be mined by others, I think it’ll keep the balance.

I fear players want to both be connected to the larger universe and still restrict who can mine there. They are going to be…erm…annoyed when they realize that can’t happen/is game breaking.


With 48+ plus planets, I don’t see anything from a rented planet becoming “game-breaking”. If I rent a planet, I assume I will be able to control who can/can’t be there, who can/can’t break blocks, place blocks, etc. Otherwise, there’s no point in having them.

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Which means you get unique resources, which is P2W.

Thus my point.

Control plotting, control colors. Anything more will alienate most of the playerbase.


They are just jealous they did not settle on our homeworld :wink:

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How would I get unique resources? It won’t alienate anyone.

Yes, if I pay irl $ to rent a planet, I want control over things. Otherwise it will be like any other planet and no reason for me to rent one.

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If you can mine unique colors on unique worlds and no one else can, that means you now have the single most valuable resource in the game and everyone HAS to buy it from you. That’s P2W.

This is why I’m afraid of this going live. Either people like you will be super mad or everyone else will.

You think people are leaving the game now?


What unique resources? I didn’t know Boundless had such a thing. Is there any item that you can only obtain from a single planet and nowhere else?

I suppose you could mean that people could have access to a unique color of a non-unique resource, but in that case, there’s no guarantee that this color won’t pop up in another player planet with less restrictions, or if there’s enough demand, on some dev-created public planet.

Anyone expecting to utilize the rental system for a monopoly is in for some disappointment. Heck, the devs could simply make a system for recoloring resources to any color in the palette and circumvent the whole argument even before player-owned planets becomes a thing.