Can we get ETA on road map / test release

Oh, I’m sure that is going to happen, problem usually is tho with me, is that when I take a break it usually ends up not being just a break…

I also planned on taking a break a year ago from Fortnite: Save the World, they were also way too gosh darn slow with adding new content (there not the reason that the amount of devs is too small, but that Battle Royale was just becoming more important to them), haven’t played it since…

136 active players at the moment, looks like a lot are taking a break already! :stuck_out_tongue:

Awesome! Looking forward to this - will is be UI driven or does it involve using colour coded locks or something?

It may be one of the ones they did preliminary work for previously … see Crafting | Boundless Crafting and uncheck the “Only show items currently in game” box and then type in “Helix” (You can ignore any that cost coin to benefit income as Ross said they make no sense).

I’d imagine this is for any future possibilities, such as temporary worlds and also rented worlds.

Please don’t presume to speak for everyone. For myself I have been eagerly awaiting the Advanced Locks so that guilds have more granular control over storage and machines, so this is a welcome update in my eyes. It may not be the thing you wanted, but it is certainly something that I want (and maybe others do also).

I’m at work… not really an ideal time for me to play really!


Advanced locks sounds awesome what would be even better is a key that goes with the locks.

Wouldn’t that be something else that you need to carry around with you though?

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They can add advanced permissions to locks and they could also add one time keys for locks
After you use the key it is gone. Would be great for setting up games and prizes


That’s a pretty cool idea - single use keys - could set up some interesting player made dungeons with that concept too.


That would be amazing!!

Oh it most certainly is, and all the other things mentioned are also things that are really needed, it’s just that I feel really, really disappointed by this, sigh…

Which is a feeling I am entitled to have and even share, at least I thought so…

Don’t tell me you’re not waiting for something big but only want small changes like new locks from now on till the end of times? :wink:

Cute, but normally when you’re at work way more people are playing :stuck_out_tongue:

Now that would allow for some really nice player build content and would make everything alright with me again!

Meh, I dunno, might also be a huge me problem at the moment, don’t bore you lot with any details but my mood isn’t the best all around so nothing probably would’ve been good enough.

Sorry @james if I was too negative.

Tho I still feel slightly more info would be appreciated for the long term AND why that huge change with the planets is such a huge deal.

Because let’s face it, if we had known a few weeks back that farming was planned for say release 219 then we wouldn’t be expectng it now :wink:

This statement doesn’t fit the context of your original statement I replied to …

… I don’t feel let down, at all. Of course I want more and bigger content, but I’m more than happy to wait for it, as I know it takes a long time to create, test, balance, iterate, wash, rinse, repeat and ultimately make it stable enough for the player base to then use.


Good, thanks for sharing! I also shared how I felt about it, all good :slight_smile:

Yeah, I was just curious because it has a few big implications/possibilities.

It seems unlikely any current worlds would be removed as it would mean removing people’s creations and hard work plus it was stated after the wipe that there wouldn’t be any more so this leads to a big hint that there is the possibility of temp worlds and rented ones in the not too distant future.

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Thanks for the information and new upcoming content. It is nice playing a game for once that has regular updates. I play another game that only receives new content and changes one time a year…if we are lucky.

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World removal? Quick, somebody photoshop the death star above Biitula :wink:

See I told you Biitula was in danger!!!


World removal!!! … Maybe bombs will be getting an almighty buff :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: …better take care in that forge :rofl:

Maybe we should be careful complaining about empty plots. The developers may decide the answer to the problem is to remove the planet!!!

Actually I would think this is all part of allowing temporary planets and maybe in the future rented planets as has already been pointed out by you @GreyArt247.

Edit: It may also be part of introducing the higher tier planets without creating too much havoc for the portal networks. I would think one nice thing about temporary planets is maybe the developers could test out concepts on them that even the PS4 players could try.


Why does everyone say Biitula? I live there! lol


That’s also where P.U.R.E is…Whatcha all trying to do here???

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