Can we get ETA on road map / test release



Biitula? more like, bye bye tula! HA


It really sounds like they are trying to set up for rentable worlds to give people what they want.

I think it’s sensible to lay the groundwork for it now, before the universe gets any bigger, so that it can happen some time in the future. I wouldn’t want to suggest that rentable worlds are going to happen soon though as there will most likely be other priorities.


Save Biitula! Blow up Angel 1 instead! (My home planet btw)


I’m cool with this the majority of us just want a hype train pictures video anything of upcoming content.

More input Stephanie.


@james @vdragon @rossstephens Is it possible to add some sort of statement into the planet generation code for color combos? ie: If RGB 106 = 1, then null/none or something? Some way to prevent new planets from generating with colors that we currently have. I think it would also be nice to have white/black/gray timber and white #ffffff/255 rock (hues).


Hues and rainbow colors.


Or if we take it further I want primary and secondary colors in this game. It seems to be missing most of them.

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I missed the memo why biitula was a bad place

Would be great if we could have some flexibility in converting blocks into any colour we choose (through recipes, thumping with a tool etc…some cost involved ofc).
Always have the feeling new planets gonna appear with some lovely colours and I’ll want to change all my builds …no one has time for that :stuck_out_tongue:


This is all awesome stuff that I have been waiting for. Thank you James!!

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tbh this is the opinion of whats starting to become the majority of the playerbase the steam reviews are even starting to refeclt it with boundless getting ready to hit recent "mostly negative " and overall “mixed” adding the odd block like LCD are fine but there is way to big of a gap between actual content updates.

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People really need to reset their expectations here - not directed to you specifically, just a general statement. The developers are developing a NEW SYSTEM called Farming. This requires various coding things and takes time especially when you are creating new things that have not been in the game before. This isn’t like just making assets that are already in the game visible.

Since these are new systems the developers do not share things because currently our player base complains no matter what. The developers get yelled at for making changes, they get yelled at for not making changes.

Them adjusting how planets are added/removed will be used for a variety of reasons and they don’t tell us because what they have planned isn’t ready for release. All we need to know is that it is needed and to our benefit or they would NOT be spending time on it. Once they feel they are at a point where they have something solid, they will then communicate the idea behind what “removing planets” or “adding planets” might mean.

Be happy they are sharing things…


I think you will be happy in the long run on where they are trying to take “colors” and the blocks we can have. I think this has been slow to release due to them needing to change underlying design and code to support the new ideas they have. Refactoring the game in ways does take time and does slow down release of that type of content.

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Ah James we both know you need to make sure ya can remove planets before adding excuse those that don’t see the obvious :wink::joy::joy:
Please make these post in the dev category then I don’t need to discover them :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks for the lock like you are reading our minds :closed_lock_with_key::closed_lock_with_key::closed_lock_with_key::closed_lock_with_key::closed_lock_with_key::closed_lock_with_key::closed_lock_with_key:

Exactly what people need to start to understand about programming. A mature focused approach to design and growth of a product.

You can never get to rented worlds unless you have a stable system to add and remove worlds. Up until this point the game has been all about “adding worlds” and nothing around removal unless it was a complete Universe reset.

So they need to put different systems in place in a step process to ensure they don’t mess other things up. This takes iteration and testing and evaluation on how the game changes with people using those new systems, etc.

I would feel that we will get temp worlds faster because they can be used for dungeons or other types of content compared to a private world. The developers are focused clearly on content that EVERYONE can use. This is a good approach.


How many times ya gonna repeat that it’s getting old you obvious like the game if ya around here maybe give some positive vibes to the creators they don’t care about numbers they care about the game and what those who play want I think it’s a genius approach to game making


Repeat what? I don’t think I’ve been one that complained a heck of a lot about this game, sure, I would love some new content, I’ve mentioned that a few times, why am I not allowed to do so?

I just don’t like the fact that people are disappearing, I can keep myself busy with building for a while, but I much rather see people sticking around or new people being added and I feel that with some bigger things that might happen.

Sue me for having an opinion…