Can we stop the necroing?

A vile and brilliant approach Sir, I applaud you for your ingenuity \ o_o /

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Locking threads for no reason other than they’re old is as bad as necro’ing threads. In lots of situations, updating an old thread is more appropriate than creating a new one. The useful resources thread, gorillastomp’s exo archive thread, the announcement/support threads for third party tools, any outstanding bug, etc. Just because some people have bad judgement about bumping old threads doesn’t mean we should punish everyone for it.


Yeah, plans can change during development. But if the developers have scrapped a feature because of a technical/implementation issue, surely the best course of action is to tell people about the change of plans? I know I’d much rather know that something categorically isn’t happening so I can take the appropriate action (whether that be putting the game down because it was a particularly desirable feature to me, or just accepting it and continuing anyway) than for conversation to just stop and never be spoken of again.

Which leads me to the conclusion perhaps necro-ing unresolved threads isn’t the worst, and in some circumstances is a better idea than always starting a new one. If we have 10 threads (started periodically to avoid re-opening anything) asking about the current state of a once-planned feature, it means there are now at least 10 possible search results to find asking about it. Any new player coming to the forum and dutifully searching for an answer before posting surely has a much lower chance of having the most up-to-date information?


I agree that on an inclusive approach it is a bad move to simply stop conversation at some point when you already have involved your players. This can be mitigated by persuing the inclusive approach in a weekly or monthly update on development.

Necro posting is fine if done right, this is a forum owners responsibility to resolve anyway. I have seen it done right and wrong but then again this is an unmoderated forum… I personally prefer the approach to link to old threads rather than rasing the dead for the sake of sparking a new conversation. That is a matter of personal taste I suppose.

However if you raise multiple threads that touch on the same subject, then it becomes annoying.

How about making a single thread: ‘State of development’:
can you give us an update about these features that were planned in the past etc.? (It’s irritating to see 12 old threads on a similar subject raised when you wanna read the new stuff) It might also be an attempt to shame or force a response while also leaving a negative impression on new players coming in. A matter of opinion.

I’ll simply leave it at this is a forum owners and their moderators responsibility to figure out.
Maybe our “unoffical new community manager” @Orrian can resolve this. Thank you for taking responsibility and have fun. This is basically your job now :3

edit: corrected typos as usual, there will still be typos, bite me :3


There is a feature for that. I guess it wasn’t active for all threads, but the recent news threads James posts have the “will automatically close if no message is posted for 14 days”.

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I got a world of bleep when I would make a new topic everyweek for the opening of the locked door. Since I try to reuse my old post as long as they allow me. Sometimes I can no longer change the topic title and have to find someone who can change it for me. Why do I not have this ability? I have been on the forums for a year and Taleyah got the permissions to change topic titles within days of using the forums. I think I have been black listed somewhere.


You should always be able to change your own topic titles. But after some period of time, old posts become impossible to edit.
I had a shop thread, left it for 2 months or so, and now I can edit my last replies from less than 2 months ago, but can no longer edit the OP which was last edited over 2 months ago.

I really wish that all topics were named and indexed in a way that they could ALL be continued when someone wants to contribute to an existing discussion.

New topics that rehash old topics only lead to stagnation since there’s no understanding of history.

If we were able to see the evolution of ideas and continue to develop them, even years after they started, then the inevitable result would be better considered, more evolved ideas.


I got my Regular badge on July 23rd, and I first posted on December 18th of last year.

If you’ve been around for a year, yeah, you should already have that badge. It’s weird.
I guess it’s granted by the devs, maybe?

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maybe take a look at this:

you can lose and regain the regular badge (as I have a couple times) based on how active you are.


I am assuming so. What have I done wrong! :cold_sweat:

I repent!

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If I understand this correctly, to keep the “regular” status you have to keep posting and interacting.

I would have thought you were active enough though.

EDIT: Text flood from the discourse blog -

Trust Level 3 — Regular

Regulars are the backbone of your community, the most active readers and reliable contributors over a period of months, even years. Because they’re always around, they can be further trusted to help tidy up and organize the community.

To get to trust level 3, in the last 100 days…

  • Must have visited at least 50% of days
  • Must have replied to at least 10 different topics
  • Of topics created in the last 100 days, must have viewed 25% (capped at 500)
  • Of posts created in the last 100 days, must have read 25% (capped at 20k)
  • Must have received 20 likes, and given 30 likes.*
  • Must not have received more than 5 spam or offensive flags (with unique posts and unique users for each, confirmed by a moderator)
  • Must not have been suspended or silenced

* These likes must be across a minimum number of different users (1/5 the number), across a minimum number of different days (1/4 the number). Likes cannot be from PMs.

All of the above criteria must be true to achieve trust level 3. Furthermore, unlike other trust levels, you can lose trust level 3 status . If you dip below these requirements in the last 100 days, you will be demoted back to Member. However, in order to avoid constant promotion/demotion situations, there is a 2-week grace period immediately after gaining Trust Level 3 during which you will not be demoted.

Users at trust level 3 can…

  • Recategorize and rename topics
  • Access a secure category only visible to users at trust level 3 and higher
  • Have all their links followed (we remove automatic nofollow)
  • TL3 spam flags cast on TL0 user posts immediately hide the post
  • TL3 flags cast on TL0 user posts in sufficient diversity will auto-silence the user and hide all their posts
  • Make their own posts wiki (that is, editable by any TL1+ users)
  • Daily like limit increased by 2×

Admins can change these thresholds by searching for TL3 in site settings.


Strange I believe I should have it then.

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I just got up or I would have probably noticed @AmandaPan 's link.

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Oh boy… Some day this post is going to get necro’d… And I am going to laugh SOOOO Hard.

Strange, i would think i would agree about stopping necro posts. But for some strange twisted reason i like them. Ive got to be a latent history buff or something


I like them as well. Heck, I am a Necro… and I like me. Sure, let’s block necros and make the forums 46% less exciting; who wants to be bothered to read and comprehend on forums anyways.


Thats sad i thought i only have to work in boundless now i have to work on the forum too. Grind intensifies.

Just kidding :joy:.


No we can never stop necroing, thread bumped~

For real though, having seen Hunters mentioned as recently as late '18 alongside farming and other features all added since, it makes me hopeful that they’re next on the table.~

Then again, only time (And James) will tell. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


to me thread necroing makes more sense then just recreating the same topic however many times. if it’s being done for the sake of just bumping the topic back to the top sure that’s bad but if they are posting something legit then that makes sense.