Cash shop? wait what?

This game has microtransactions, but they are not game breaking in the least.

Do not confuse microtransactions with pay to win. This game is def not pay to win.


Do you think we could have 1 post in this forum where a person shares their view of this game around micro transactions and things without the NO p2w people stepping in and pushing their views on people.

I am really a bit tired of these people that seem to think that they OWN the definition around P2W for the whole world. You have your view, others have their view. Please stop pushing your views on them and saying what they feel is wrong. All you do is push more people away because you help prove that this game has a community that doesn’t listen or care to listen.

We do not have those of us that feel there are P2W aspect in the game doing the same thing in trying to invalidate your no p2w views.


The irony is that that boa expressed disappointment with microtrans being introduced. Never said a word about p2w. But still got the p2w response.

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I think there’s a generally accepted definition of pay to win that most would agree.

Spend real money to obtain an item that gives an advantage that is tangible.

Problem is, when people review bomb this game, and chant “p2w” most people think of the above definition, which is why I think it’s important the anti-p2w crowd DOES politely defend the game each time, because it’s too easy to see someone say “P2W” and make the wrong conclusion.

The problem is “plots” are a grey area that likely depends on how much of a builder someone is, so the community is divided on that.

edit and as I think you know, I’m against selling plots haha.

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I’ve only got just over a hundred plots …don’t drag me into this so everyone thinks I’m hogging them all :innocent:

Disclaimer: this was just meant as a joke and I’ll gladly delete if anyone is upset by it.


You are correct then maybe the question back to Boa should be how did he want the developers to pay for the ongoing expenses associated with an MMO as well as ongoing development? A mandatory subscription model?

Not sure there are really any other ways to generate an income stream. . I can’t believe game sales alone would be enough. Even assuming 4000 games sales at $40USD for $160,000USD this would not cover salaries for the developers for a year let alone server costs on top of that.


And subscription models aren’t viable now. Only a game with an extremely loyal, dedicated following can possibly survive off one of them now. Everyone has been conditioned to expect F2P or bust.

Maybe, but I think Boa is going to the same emotional process many did when they first saw microtrans. I think a friendly, I understand you, would be best.


Or if he has an idea that none of us have thought of, he really should bring it forward. No one wants the game to fail because of a perceived issues with micro-transactions, or a lack of funds to keep it going.

I really am not being sarcastic, I freely admit I could not possibly know everything or what might be possible. If someone has a good idea, I would think even the developers would like to hear it and see an end to these posts.

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This should clarify some of my position. I neither like nor trust Sony, full stop. Unfortunately they are calling the shots now, more or less.

I have promoted Boundless, as well as supported and played the game quite a bit over the past 3 years, in other words I genuinely want the game to succeed. However, never were micro-transactions mentioned that I saw, perhaps I missed it. I feel a little betrayed is all, as well as disappointed.

Unfortunately I am not privy to Wonderstuck’s revenue stream and finances so cannot offer a possible better course of action other that the vague references I made earlier. Personally, I can see a lot of potential in merchandising here. :wink:

As for Playful and Creativerse, I never opted in as a founding supporter, promoted nor contributed to forum discussion on that game. I no longer play and would not buy anything they offer for in-game purchases, just not interested.

Too much time spent here as it is, but you Oortians are worthy of response…busy-busy I will revisit at some point.


Sorry but that is not correct, sony have no creative control over this game.


I can understand how you feel about Sony, Whenever I hear the name Electronic Arts mentioned in connection to a game, it makes me want to run away. We both have reasons for feeling this way about various gaming companies. Even if as the developer said after I started this post that Sony has no creative control, sometimes just having a company associated with something can give us pause.

I can see where with a certain level of players merchandising actually could offer a decent revenue stream. I would buy a t-shirt for my spouse that says. . (I live with a Boundless player so I have a lot of alone time). There might not be enough players for this now (I have no way of knowing), but hopefully in the future.

Good sir! Creative control is not what we are talking about here, at least I’m not. It’s all about profit now that Sony’s in charge. Mark my words, if the money fails to flow into Sony’s coffers, they will pull the plug on this game without a second thought for the players.

Curse you! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Now we have a good debate going…sucker for a civilized debate! lolz

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Exactly, as a matter of principle developed from personal experience with Sony, I will not knowingly purchase any Sony product. Had this game been set out as a Sony product from the beginning, I would not have even even been here. I supported a small, indie dev team. I understand at the end of the day, everyone needs to earn a living, but in my view it’s as bad as teaming with EA.

Definitely understand and respect your decision, friend. For me the monetization model isn’t overly intrusive. I do think it certainly could have been communicated more clearly to the player base though.


Meh…there’s a slim chance that after all my huff and puff, I may overlook the Sony involvement and at least play. I just don’t see what the MTs offer to the game other than revenue generation for no real point. At least a t-shirt or ball cap is something that will last, promote the game and keeps me cool. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I am sorry to hear that. And I hope when you get back to check situation will be better, until than have fun :v:


1: you are not locked to 1 character. You can unlock a new one as early as lvl 7.

2: there are female models.

3: Cubits are earned every level up, they are not cash only.

There has and has not been polite discussion on this. Many times telling someone they are wrong or changing the context of what they said into a different topic is not polite.

My point was just simply this: If someone is not happy with the game and asks for feedback we should respond. If they are leaving there is no reason to tell them they are wrong. Instead we can share views on why they think we should stay. That would more than likely help the conversation than the other tactic.

As for the “generally accepted definition” that doesn’t really exist because people are on both sides still. Even your definition could be used to define this game as p2w.

The issue is context and people’s beliefs and some people preferring to fight on changing that belief instead of just accepting it.

Like anything, those that are attracted to something will be around it. Those that are not will leave. We should stop being fearful of those leaving and just accept their views (unless their message clearly asks for a discussion) and welcome them back if they chose to come back.

There are plenty of people willing to play the game and look past the reviews and toward what the game gives them. Review bombs defense could be used on both sides of fan or hater.

At the end of the day we all know that this was the decision the developers FELT THEY had to make whether we agree or not. We should support those that agree with it and support those that do not agree with it instead of fighting with each other over a decision the developers made!

To each their own, but personally I like being able to purchase plots as it lets me focus on working on my build instead of focusing on leveling past 50 to get more plots. For the amount of hours I have gotten amd will get out of this game tossing a couple of bucks at it every so often to fuel my mighty need for plots is more than a worthy trade off. Personally I don’t think I would even spend cash on any physical merch.

I just want to toss my view out there because it seems like the majority of the vocal views on the forum are against the microstranaction, while the players for it are busy in game buying plots and having a blast.

I think offering some kinda physical merch would be a good idea for those who are interested in that kinda thing.