Central Spawn Location for Everyone & Community Event Center

Higher limit for guilds to accommodate alts most likely. That and not everyone is in the same timezone or plays at the same time.

At launch the player cap (per planet) was actually set at 100, but was lowered after some rubber-banding / lag issue arose.

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I remember :+1: I don’t remember any lag issues…I was pretty sure they raised the limit because we all complained that the guilds were maxed out too quickly.

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Sorry meant to say that the 100 limit was for players per world.

And yep a couple of guilds maxed out the limit pretty quickly :smiley:

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I imagine the player cap could be increased on this Hub world if there were no to little block changes to worry about and it was reduced to just a few regions.

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That and I don’t imagine people would hang out there all day. They would meet up with friends and go off to their planet to build and stuff. It would probably be a really active place though.

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It possibly could be, but would need to be in an enclosed area, as the worlds need to be a minimum size otherwise it causes issues … I’ll need to try and find the post mentioning that to be more specific.

Edit: found it I think… How large are the Boundless worlds?


@majorvex build it :smiley:


Thanks for that link. Very informative and very cool.

Perhaps a space station? Used for special community gatherings. Non voxel of course, Could have small biome replicas of each planet? Be it’s own server perhaps. The developers could hold events monthly for the community or we could schedule our own day/time slots to hold our own events? Space station would be visible from all planets in the game! Free warp from sanctum for all players.


totaly good idea. with on expecption. only devs could be building something there not players. this should be only noob friendly zone.


Yes, people would not be able to build there. The area would not change unless the devs changed it.

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i could be wrong but my understanding was boundless was purely run on AWS(cloud servers) has all the server IPs are AWS addresses and that’s a big reason why we have crazy low caps on some things

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Totally love this idea

Perhaps create a backstory as well.

The oortians arrived in this galaxy using that spaceship and now creating colonies in nearby planets

The ship contains dna matrix chamber which is how an oortian is “born” (new players spawn here)

It could also have learning facilities to prepare young oortians how to craft tools, eapons, establish home and colonies, build machines, portals, farms etc


How about the one thing that the game is striving for: to have fun.

I think that’s a good point behind it. Kind of crazy now that I think about it. :thinking:


The more Lore the better! :smile:

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So your not having fun :scream:

I am. This doesn’t mean others wouldn’t get some fun out of some sort of handmade community event center that is built in the game. In Early Access there was sort of a couple places that did that.


There’s a long list of reasons in the original post and in everyone’s comments lol…

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Brilliant concept with some great potential for added content later. Love it.


I’m behind you 100% on some of the ideas within this.


This is alot like what our Galactic gathering in Duskmoor does for our city. Noobs meet vets there, kick off events, people running around all over the place, we meet for trades there, and we are connected to TONS of player portals,hubs,cities, shops, hunt meets, malls,(your mall has more than a few portals in town :wink::+1:)and pretty much everything a player needs to get to.

Love the town crier idea! Love the leader board idea, and would love to see how a leader board would be done! You always have such neat ideas!

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