Chests PLEASE! o.o

With the addition of our cranky little piggy friend… I have been running for my life! I would normally not really find this too bothersome, but those of us with water and lava are in a bad spot and DON’T want to die. :nysad: So, my point is…Devs…are the chests almost ready? Can we have a place to put our precious blocks so the piggies can kill us with abandon and we will not be bugging you constantly for water and lava?

:chester: :revolving_hearts: :lester:

:doug: :nyhappy: :pig2:


They just wanna play! Don’t blame the piggies!

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whoa whoa whoa, hold up, let’s not be hasty. The more we get to bug them the more we get to hang out with @James, who doesn’t want this? No one here doesn’t want this!


hmmm yes you do have a point @EliteCynder heheheee we love playing with @james :nyokay: :nyhappy:

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I think I don’t suffer from this since I build underground :wink:
But I understand the concern


Well, I build just underwater xD

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The very beginning :wink: