Christmas event?

Here is a lvl 2 snowball meteor fight as well, the higher level snow spitters take a bit longer to get rid of


Please, please, please post these things here on the forums as well. Not everybody does social media.

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Hey, I have managed to join the hunt yesterday and it was fun - with an epic ending - thanks for that. I really needed more creature drops. It is really effective compared to solo hunting.
Are you doing T5/T6 planet hunts as well? (EU friendly time?)


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Beth does the T3 hunts daily, but Grandeur do T5 hunts at 5pm UTC (I think) - you can get to their hunt place from Brown Town too :slight_smile:

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@Spoodle @Bethlehem

Are you guys planning on doing Christmas hunts on T1 or T2 planets ?
On the days you have not left for your vacation yet :grin:

The Red candy canes only drop from Snow meteors and they are rare as not many drop at a time ā€¦ might be more fun to do in group then to go about it alone ā€¦


We most certainly will be!! Brown Town is on Finata (T2) so Iā€™m hoping thatā€™s gonna be one of the snow meteor planets :smiley:


For any hunt leaders, decided if they announce Sovereigns are in play, Iā€™ll do a 6 km T1, so that a group of 40 can get in. :slight_smile:

My plan is, Iā€™ll swap out my TNT portal to Sylva for this for the event. Any USE T1 should be able to use that, so location wonā€™t matter. Iā€™ll pick the biomes to be as easy as possible.

ā€¦ Only thing, if anybody is interested in this plan, I might need help on: I can probably swing about 15-20 or so portals to hunt platforms from the entrance platform, on the oort. Iā€™d try to get up as many as I could. But with a 6km could get a lot more there for use. If any are willing to sponsor one if this happens, let me know - if so, Iā€™ll open it for claiming and put portals with tokens out on the main platform, so new ones could be added in regions without them. Of course, if you sponsor one, doesnā€™t have to be anything but a basic platform with a portal you feed and could use it to promote a guild, name it ā€œPaka is a Loserā€ or do whatever. :wink:


I can donate the oorts needed. Iā€™m not building the platforms tho, Iā€™m too lazy to build things xD

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Thanks!! :smiley: That works just as well really - Iā€™ve got plenty of mats, and no need then to put out tokens. Much appreciated from any who want to donate!! :slight_smile: What Iā€™ll do then, if it works out in this way where I can do this, is put one Oort shard request basket out on the main platform. That really would hold all Iā€™d need, I think (I donā€™t want to take more than what Iā€™d use for this). The 6 km worlds look like they have 60 regions, thinking then Iā€™d put platforms on at least half. I have to think with choosing the biomes at least half would turn out pretty decent for this. I think I can get the platforms up pretty quick. Iā€™d just let the whole thing expire after the event.

Advantage too, with this, is I can also kick anybody who tries to troll hunts or whatever, cause problems in any way.

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just one question tho, do you still get oorts from the snow meteors or nah? If not, iā€™ve got to hold onto the oorts i get instead of selling them

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Absolutely, Iā€™ll probably extend the hunt also.

It looks like you donā€™t get Oort from the snow ones, but idk for sure.

I can donate a stack or two of shards for this for sure. Shouldnā€™t take much to keep this powered.

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I prob have enough to power all the portals during the event, think i heard it lasts like 2 weeks. thatā€™s what, half a SS of shards per portal to last the whole event, so not much. Just making sure i have enough since there prob will be less regular meteor hunts during the event.

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It is a good question - I believe @Rydralain is right, that you donā€™t. I donā€™t remember getting any from them myself. And thank you!! :slight_smile: Luckily, between what I have now and Rydralain, we might be ok, plus there might be others too willing. Very grateful for any help with this!

@Rydralain - Thanks!! :smiley: Very much appreciated!

As soon as the devs make a post, provided it is a yes, Iā€™ll get it going immediately afterwards. :slight_smile: Make a planet post once up - get the portal name changed, and have the Oort donation basket up on the main platform. Luckily within the world it will just be a bunch of 1x2s and it wonā€™t even need the full stack (Iā€™ll have them going ASAP but only put in enough to last through the event). :smiley:

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Anyone who regularly hunts with me, might be an idea to save your Oort to fund your portals for a little while.


Prob a good idea, since iā€™m taking down my (relatively) cheap 275c rough oort stand for this for a while.

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Itā€™s a pity you donā€™t get Oort from the meteors. My play time will be limited for the holidays. I was hoping these snow meteors would kill (as @Mallow says) two birds with one snowball. (Yes, I have a sovereign problem! RRA!!!)


Id say that about answers that!

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So, you got the reply yet, or nah? I got the oort shards ready, just making sure this is happening.

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