It’s time for the July surveys for [Chromis I] --[T3 - Rugged Lush Sovereign World]-- [Active]!
Chromis I is a world where the colors change every month based on community poll!
As always, there will be two polls. The first will determine the theme, or color palette, that will be used for the second poll. The second poll will determine the specific colors for each block. Ties are resolved through random number generator.
Color selections are hand-picked to match the theme while also ensuring most options are not currently available on known worlds.
Additionally, at any time, anyone is welcome to request that a color be added to the survey, regardless of the theme. This world is here to help you get the colors you want! Make sure you take a look at to check if your desired color is sovereign selectable.
Theme Survey: (July 12 - July 18)
Color Survey: (July 19 - July 25)
Here are the theme choices for July!
- The Beach (Tans and blues)
- Boquet (Greens and flowery colors)
- Desert Horizon (Pale/washed out browns, tans, greens, and greys)
- Pebbles in a Puddle (Blues, greys, and earthy pebble colors)
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I’m considering running a one-month “Chromis II” world some time in the next few months. There would be four surveys.
- Tier survey - What tier should the world be?
- Biomes Survey - I would be sure to include details on what blocks are available in each biome
- Theme Survey - As usual
- Color Survey - As usual
The world would be linked to from TNT, and there would be a safe hub to land in, but since it would be a short-lived world, it wouldn’t have regen farms built. I would likely have some token stands and a warp zone, though.
To kill two roadrunners with one totem, here is a survey for that!
What tier world should a potential Chromis II world be, or do you think this is even a good idea? (yes, this is anonymous)
- I am not interested in a one-off Chromis world
- I am interested in a one-off Chromis world, but I don’t know what tier would be best
- Tier 1
- Tier 2
- Tier 3
- Tier 4
- Tier 5
- Tier 6
And in case you missed it above, the theme survey is still up there.
The pebbly puddle is still doing really well, but the beach looks to be catching up!
The one-off world isn’t getting a lot of responses, which may be a kind of response on it’s own. We’ll see - I’ll be leaving that one open for a while. It will take some more planning to do in any case.
Looks like T6 is winning in the Chromis II survey. I was hoping for low-tier, but high tier opens up a lot of more interesting options, plus gems, so I can’t complain! Thanks for participating in this one. I’ll probably leave it open until I actually make the new world.
I need to do some biome selection research before I can make the world survey, though, so could be a little bit. I might make a wiki thread to collect some of that.
Reminder that the color poll closes in 11 hours!
Thanks for voting, everyone! New colors are up and the Welcome Center is updated.
Fun fact: We had the record high theme votes and record low color votes this month. Not surprising - the forums are a rollercoaster all around anyway!